
Sci Fi & Fantasy

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Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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5 Feb 2021
@13rrrk:matrix.org13rrrk joined the room.12:51:32
@allsnoptron:matrix.org@allsnoptron:matrix.org joined the room.16:14:46
@allsnop:matrix.org@allsnop:matrix.org left the room.16:16:23
8 Feb 2021
@-gort-:matrix.orgGort joined the room.03:23:35
@scythianfury:matrix.orgscythianfury joined the room.11:28:37
9 Feb 2021
@Ecthelionotsandon:matrix.org@Ecthelionotsandon:matrix.org joined the room.17:56:57
10 Feb 2021
@scalperos:matrix.org@scalperos:matrix.org changed their display name from QuantumNaut to Scalperos.01:14:50
11 Feb 2021
@lordhenik:matrix.org@lordhenik:matrix.org joined the room.13:25:45
@lordhenik:matrix.org@lordhenik:matrix.org set a profile picture.14:32:31
@tid_the_harvester:matrix.orgtid_the_harvester joined the room.16:57:41
@drgustavosantos:matrix.orgdrgustavosantos joined the room.18:53:52
12 Feb 2021
@visla:matrix.org@visla:matrix.org joined the room.06:54:15
@ghiblee006:matrix.org@ghiblee006:matrix.org joined the room.07:02:48
In reply to @staunch_thomas:matrix.org
If you are interested, there is the unofficial pilot episode called "Winter Dragon". It was made without permission several years ago, and it stars Billy Zane.
And there is also the fan-made episode called "Flight from Shadow" based on one of the chapters of "The Eye of the World".
Watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myFCGun_c-8 now, it's actually quite enjoyable :)
@captain_grossbeard:pancrypticon.netBrian Ó 🐝 joined the room.20:48:08
13 Feb 2021
@allsnoptron:matrix.org@allsnoptron:matrix.org set a profile picture.01:52:11
@dmoonfire:matrix.org@dmoonfire:matrix.org I apparently have gotten into a reading mood. In the last few days, I've read Corpsman by Jonathan P. Brazee, WebMage by Kelly McCullough, and Fool Moon by Jim Butcher. Which is about as diametrically opposed as I can get for settings. 🙂 Fool Moon and Corpsman were both new reads for me, WebMage was a comfort one (and my only signed book of the three). 04:38:23
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticOoh, Dresden Files.09:10:36
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticHow did you like it?09:11:49
@dmoonfire:matrix.org@dmoonfire:matrix.orgEnjoyable. Reminds me of Strout's Matter series with a bit more perv and a lot bloodier. The character development is decent and I haven't figured out the twists in the first two books which is a bonus for me since usually I do.10:28:18
@dmoonfire:matrix.org@dmoonfire:matrix.orgI can see why fans hated the TV series which I also enjoyed 10:28:50
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticYou'll love book 3 then, because most people agree book 2 is the weakest in the series.10:32:05
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticOnly better from here!10:32:09
@dmoonfire:matrix.org@dmoonfire:matrix.orgI love werewolves. But I'll probably keep reading, these books that fell off the shelves when my boys were roughhousing so I just read them.10:33:53
14 Feb 2021
@ghiblee006:matrix.org@ghiblee006:matrix.orglove wolves and lolis14:35:09
@allsnoptron:matrix.org@allsnoptron:matrix.orgAny M John Harrison fans here? I adore the Viriconium books and have been wondering what to read next of his work. 14:36:09
@scalperos:matrix.org@scalperos:matrix.org left the room.20:19:39
15 Feb 2021
@nilik:matrix.orgnoodle joined the room.13:50:30
In reply to @qqn:matrix.org
Watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myFCGun_c-8 now, it's actually quite enjoyable :)
staunch_thomas: Okay and now I've watched the second, more professional one, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUQE0-G_GeU. That's basically just the intro of the first book but quite well done. Still, after watching both I remember again why I like the books more than the movies ;)

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