
Sci Fi & Fantasy

109 Members
Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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9 Jun 2020
@jaideexyz:matrix.orgjaideexyz joined the room.22:13:22
13 Jun 2020
@ignacy:junta.pl@ignacy:junta.pl left the room.16:16:57
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettraveller joined the room.20:49:30
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettravellerThe Martian by Andy Weir is a nice survival suspense sci-fi with quite a bit of humor.20:54:44
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoI've heard of it, haven't read it yet.20:56:15
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoDo you have a link?20:56:24
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettravellerDo you mean to a PDF copy? They're widely available since it was originally just a free online project the author worked on and only got published later. there's a copy here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxwbGFpbmZpZWxkYXN0cm9ub215fGd4Ojc4M2YxNmE2YzJjNjc5ZTY Or if you want a physical book you can buy it somewhere like here: https://bookshop.org/books/the-martian/978055341802621:26:08
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettraveller * Do you mean a free PDF copy? They're widely available since it was originally just a free online project the author worked on and only got published later. there's a copy here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxwbGFpbmZpZWxkYXN0cm9ub215fGd4Ojc4M2YxNmE2YzJjNjc5ZTY Or if you want a physical book you can buy it somewhere like here: https://bookshop.org/books/the-martian/978055341802621:30:30
15 Jun 2020
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongo Cool, thanks nettraveller 13:49:39
@laura:tomesh.netlaura joined the room.14:16:58
@paul:asra.grpaul joined the room.15:19:16
@richy:tchncs.derichy 15:36:50
@tobi:im.kabi.tkTobi invited @xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk.20:54:01
16 Jun 2020
@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk@xenomorph:im.kabi.tk joined the room.04:56:04
17 Jun 2020
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettravellerNo problem. I'll note that the pdf is the original unedited version, so it is not identical to the published copy. Besides general editing, it also contains a scene at the very end that does not appear in the final copy.04:35:42
@nettraveller:matrix.orgnettravellerBut browsing through the pdf, it does seem pretty similar to the published version for the most part04:36:33
18 Jun 2020
@norbert:riotchat.de@norbert:riotchat.de 22:27:23
20 Jun 2020
@gertrud:matrixim.ccgertrud joined the room.17:34:04
22 Jun 2020
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org invited @ruff_wizard:pixie.townruff wizard.09:06:25
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org changed their profile picture.09:31:47
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org removed their display name Ruff Wizard.13:46:32
@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org@Ruff_Wizard:matrix.org set their display name to Ruff Wizard ☠︎.13:59:40
@ruff_wizard:pixie.townruff wizard joined the room.14:07:43
@cmkat:matrix.orgGalactroid changed their display name from cmkat to Vacío de Bootes.14:53:32
@cmkat:matrix.orgGalactroid changed their profile picture.14:54:25
24 Jun 2020
@jason:nerdsin.spacejason 19:26:29
26 Jun 2020
@kathleen:kde.orgkathleen 18:48:17
30 Jun 2020
@harry:hackerspaces.beharry 21:41:22
@scott:perthchat.org@scott:perthchat.org 21:40:02
2 Jul 2020
@sancocho:matrix.orgmofongoI saw the Netflix Godzilla trilogy last week00:36:44

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