
Sci Fi & Fantasy

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Sci Fi, Fantasy and Related Genres | Code of Conduct: +matrixunited:matrix.org36 Servers

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25 Jan 2021
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaletichowever I couldn't get into the narrator reading Three Parts Dead18:54:10
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgIt seems like a whole new world for me. Some of my friends listen to audio books while doing some other stuff. I'm not sure that it allows to concentrate on the plot.18:55:38
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgBut anyway... Thanks for the advice.18:56:16
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI can concentrate better than I expected, so yeah it works. Whether I'm doing the dishes while listening or just lying in bed and listening18:56:38
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticSingle-tasking it does work better for my enjoyment though18:56:48
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticand gives the eyes a break from too much screen time18:57:00
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgOh, dishes... It might work for me. :)18:58:09
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:05:30
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarOh I see audio is being discussed. As a visually challenged person TTS is also awesome and lets you listen to many things that will never be put into audio and the file sizes are smaller. Despite what you might think it also sounds better than older audiobooks too19:55:05
@staunch_thomas:matrix.org@staunch_thomas:matrix.orgYeah, I used to think that TTS usually sounded robotic, but after what you've said, I guess it's not the case anymore nowadays.22:18:36
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarStill somewhat does but once you’re into the story it’s usually not a big deal23:09:18
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarThere are recorded books that sound worse and more robotic these days23:09:35
26 Jan 2021
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticWhat software do you use for TTS?04:17:16
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarOn android Vocalizer for voiceand moon reader pro as the reader on iOS voicedream reader for with Susan enhanced as the voice06:03:44
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholar* On android Vocalizer for voice and moon reader pro as the reader on iOS voicedream reader with Susan enhanced as the voice06:04:32
28 Jan 2021
@artsytype:matrix.orgartsytype joined the room.03:22:14
@heyen:matrix.orgheyen joined the room.09:12:35
@mrwmsilva:matrix.orgmrwmsilva joined the room.17:36:04
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarWhat’s everyone reading?21:23:27
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI have my mind set on Deborah Chester's "The Fantasy Fiction Formula"21:24:57
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarHm I’m going to assume based on title it covers common/uncommon tropes?21:37:27
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI think it's more about constructing plot, characters and so on. I've only leafed through it, but I saw things such as character questionnaires and writing drills.21:39:07
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticJim Butcher highly praises her teachingsž21:39:23
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaletic * Jim Butcher highly praises her teachings.21:39:26
@biblioscholar:biblioscholar.combiblioscholarAh ok21:59:48
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticThe list of 75 questions to know about your protagonist and antagonist was mildly frightening.22:01:35
30 Jan 2021
@yvad:matrix.org@yvad:matrix.org joined the room.13:30:38
31 Jan 2021
@CitizenZero:matrix.org@CitizenZero:matrix.org left the room.01:32:33
@zuggtmoy:matrix.orgcobalt changed their profile picture.04:06:28

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