
Sci Fi & Fantasy

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26 Dec 2020
@lynn:privacytools.io@lynn:privacytools.io left the room.11:45:22
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.org joined the room.14:42:31
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgHello! So I just realized that 2001: A Space Odyssey is actually based on a book and I was wondering if I should give it a read as well. If anyone here has read it , what do you think about it? 15:13:17
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.org * Hello! So I just realized that 2001: A Space Odyssey is actually based on a book and I was wondering if I should give it a read as well. If anyone here read it, what do you think about it? 15:13:37
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticoh, TIL15:50:22
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgah, I guess we're on the same boat. I heard Kubrick messed with Stephen Kind with The Shining so I wonder how different it is.15:54:51
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.org * ah, I guess we're on the same boat. I heard Kubrick messed with Stephen King with The Shining so I wonder how different it is.15:55:05
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticYeah I think King hates the ecranisation?16:11:20
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgI had to look up what that meant lol, but yeah I remember hearing about it on that documentary about the Shining if I'm not wrong. fun stuff.16:16:16
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgthis is the one I'm referring to: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2085910/16:17:48
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticSpeaking of rooms and King, I liked "1408".16:20:05
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticThough I haven't actually liked any of King's writing I tried.16:20:21
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgI haven't read any of his books yet. But I've watched so many of the movies. It's crazy how many of his books made it as movies16:22:50
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticYeah! My fav is Storm of the Century.16:23:45
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgI liked Carrie a lot even though it sooooo much older than I am16:23:48
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticCarrie is one of the two of his books I tried reading but gave up, his style doesn't work for me.16:24:11
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticthe other one was It16:24:19
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaletic However, his On Writing is an excellent resource for writers. 16:24:42
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgdid you like the movies?16:24:52
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI think I saw It too long ago to remember it well, and I only saw some of Carrie.16:25:44
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticBut I liked a bunch of his other films.16:26:07
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI like how you can tell it's a King film just from how it feels16:26:24
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaletichis author's voice comes through even in adaptations16:26:36
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgI'm kinda jealous I've only ever been able to tell when its Tim Burton lol16:27:23
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgwhat gives it away?16:27:32
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticI don't know. :D16:27:47
@dgaletic:termina.org.ukdgaleticcan't put it to words16:28:09
@zik:matrix.org@zik:matrix.orgpeople seem to hate the third act so maybe it's a sloppy ending that gives it away :P16:28:57

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