
Portable Graphics in Rust

369 Members
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1 Nov 2022
@taurasch:matrix.orgElias <Dotrix> changed their display name from Elias | Dotrix to Elias <Dotrix|Löwenware>.10:29:50
@taurasch:matrix.orgElias <Dotrix> changed their profile picture.10:29:52
@taurasch:matrix.orgElias <Dotrix> changed their display name from Elias <Dotrix|Löwenware> to Elias <Dotrix@Löwenware>.10:30:49
@taurasch:matrix.orgElias <Dotrix> changed their display name from Elias <Dotrix@Löwenware> to Elias <Dotrix - Löwenware>.10:31:01
@taurasch:matrix.orgElias <Dotrix> changed their display name from Elias <Dotrix - Löwenware> to Elias <Dotrix>.10:31:18
2 Nov 2022
@aka_vinz:matrix.orgaka_vinz left the room.07:45:03
4 Nov 2022
@nabulator:rue.nabulator.comnabulator ⚡️ changed their profile picture.01:07:16
@nabulator:rue.nabulator.comnabulator ⚡️ changed their profile picture.01:10:19
6 Nov 2022
@xumerio:matrix.orgxumerio joined the room.13:25:44
@miller_james:matrix.orgmiller_james left the room.15:45:46
10 Nov 2022
@nasso:matrix.orgnasso changed their profile picture.10:00:29
13 Nov 2022
@atiatam_01:matrix.orgatiatam_01 joined the room.21:44:23
19 Nov 2022
@iswear:matrix.orgiswear joined the room.22:42:47
@iswear:matrix.orgiswear left the room.22:43:10
20 Nov 2022
@fuckit2288:matrix.orgfuckit2288 joined the room.06:30:10
@fuckit2288:matrix.orgfuckit2288 left the room.06:30:31
27 Nov 2022
@pishmarg:matrix.orgPishmarg joined the room.12:32:35
@pishmarg:matrix.orgPishmarg left the room.12:33:32
29 Nov 2022
@atiatam_01:matrix.orgatiatam_01 changed their profile picture.03:20:48
2 Dec 2022
@jimmyshoo:matrix.orgjimmyshoo joined the room.11:26:01
8 Dec 2022
@probablykevin:matrix.orgprobablykevin left the room.03:35:17
13 Dec 2022
@scoopr:matrix.orgscoopr left the room.13:22:22
27 Dec 2022
@smughat:matrix.orgsmughat left the room.16:50:03
2 Jan 2023
@simlay:matrix.orgsimlay set a profile picture.22:02:26
3 Jan 2023
@matustalcik:matrix.orgMatúš left the room.11:52:39
5 Jan 2023
@the_dukk:matrix.orgdukk™ joined the room.01:55:15
13 Jan 2023
@princessdoreena:matrix.org@princessdoreena:matrix.org joined the room.23:26:20
31 Jan 2023
@nabulator:rue.nabulator.comnabulator ⚡️ changed their profile picture.03:06:54
14 Jan 2023
@hamidkigaming7861:matrix.orgHAMID Sheikh joined the room.13:48:49
31 Jan 2023
@nabulator:rue.nabulator.comnabulator ⚡️ changed their profile picture.17:13:44

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