
OLD DEAD Friendica ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Decentralized (Federated) Social Network - Unofficial Self Support Community room for community self support; for Users, by Users.

62 Members
"The internet is our social network" • "giving people the tools they need to thrive in a post-Facebook world" ••• Info: http://friendi.ca/ ••• directory: https://dir.friendica.social/ ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendica ••• Blog: http://friendi.ca/blog/ ••• Blog-RSS: http://friendi.ca/feed/ ••• Public Instances: https://dir.friendica.social/servers ••• https://the-federation.info/ ••• Wiki: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/wiki ••• This is an "unofficial" self-support community room, for users, by users. Spammers and troublemakers will be ejected or muted at the sole Discretion of the room Moderators. Start or prolong quarrelsome complaining in off-topic rooms. Argue about who rules the Dev's elsewhere. ••• Bridged ⇄ Freenode: #Friendica-M ¦ Bridged ⇄ OFTC: #Friendica ¦ Bridged ⇄ Rizon: #Friendica ••• For sharing: #Friendica:matrix.org ° https://riot.im/app/#/room/#Friendica:matrix.org ° https://matrix.to/#/#Friendica:matrix.org ••• Room is "logged" & "World Readable": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23Friendica:matrix.org ••••25 Servers

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