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23 Jan 2024
@ytrio:matrix.orgYtrio joined the room.05:56:06
24 Jan 2024
@amahdamed:matrix.org@amahdamed:matrix.org joined the room.03:17:08
@amahdamed:matrix.org@amahdamed:matrix.org left the room.03:17:22
@tobin6579:matrix.org@tobin6579:matrix.org joined the room.06:21:53
@phiten:matrix.orgphitenchanged room power levels.13:19:52
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfault banned @tobin6579:matrix.org@tobin6579:matrix.org (spam).13:20:40
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfault banned @safepaltradescompany:matrix.orgSafepal Trades Company (spam).13:20:54
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfault banned @packsman:matrix.org@packsman:matrix.org (spam).13:21:26
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfault banned @andreasalbert899:matrix.org@andreasalbert899:matrix.org (spam).13:21:44
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police left the room.13:21:56
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfault banned @favour4568:matrix.org@favour4568:matrix.org (spam).13:22:07
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfaultchanged room power levels.13:23:00
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfaultchanged room power levels.13:23:35
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfaultchanged room power levels.13:23:43
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfaultchanged room power levels.13:23:51
@tuxthepenguin:matrix.orgSegfaultchanged room power levels.13:24:08
@twilitmelody:matrix.orgtwilitI snagged a great deal on a used rock64 bundle on ebay. Any ideas on what the sbc is good at? What's the software maturity like?20:10:16
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> best just fire up a known-working linux distro (maybe debian?) and see 20:13:08
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> i think the maturity is not complete but decent, but also unfortunately most lacking at the particular things the sbc is best at 20:13:35
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> (video encoding+decoding) 20:13:49
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> still, should run decent for general purposes, driver bugs in the video core notwithstanding 20:14:16
@marcoucou77:matrix.orgMarco joined the room.21:50:47
@tleydxdy:tlebear.win@tleydxdy:tlebear.winyeah, I never understood why, but the rockchip video library thing has licensing problems?22:35:06
@tleydxdy:tlebear.win@tleydxdy:tlebear.wintheir new one22:35:16
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> i think all the pine64 hardware is primarily reverse-engineered 22:35:30
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> so yea, the limiting factor is just about how far that has progressed 22:35:48
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> some of the specialized components aren't as far along as the generic stuff 22:35:59
@p64protocolbot:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Droid [I] <gnarface> the progress is not 0 though, what's out there is worth trying, you just might have to compile some stuff by hand, that's all 22:36:29
25 Jan 2024
@marcoucou77:matrix.orgMarco changed their display name from Marc to Marco.15:39:07
26 Jan 2024
@dougshaw77:matrix.org@dougshaw77:matrix.org left the room.04:12:50

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