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28 Nov 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon One might be tempted to claim there is no paradox at all, but it needs to use a model that presumes nothing, and presuming a negative and a zero simultaneously is a fundamental flaw of the model. 18:32:14
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon There are no axioms or postulates in nature that has to presume its own self nature beforehand. 18:34:04
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Remove atomism and includes fluid dynamica 23:30:11
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Suddenly everything make sense 23:30:18
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Heaviside reduced quaternion equations to vector equations, removing the necessary scalar components which governs electromagnetic stretch and squeeze, the clear advent of longitudinal FTL magneto-dielectric waves. 23:32:10
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Of course the answer to my own question had already been answered in many other ways by many other people, some presuming both force and counter force just exists without any problems, other presuming it is all force, just some of it going against another resulting with a net loss. The deeper problem however is why does one ignore the absolute magnitudinal value of vectors that returns in a loop, and merely presume the net displacement value is more important than the sum of the vectors. If every loop circuit is a net zero voltage, how does magnetism even arise and how can even a battery with a copper wire to its two ends in a loop does anything if there is zero or negative voltage? Short circuiting a battery can happen but on paper there is either zero or negative voltage expended, how does one reconcile this by appealing to the dielectric charges within the alkaline battery? Something is happening that is drawing out the energy stored in the battery and fed back into itself, making the battery get hot. What then is happening in the battery that is allowing a current to generate? One end of the battery is different from the other end that allows a bias to have it flow in one direction into the other side of the battery using the copper wire as a guide. However, the loop itself has a net zero on paper, whether you use vectors or not, the same problem arises from an incomplete understanding of what is going on which I know that I don't know and I am not satisfied with certain unsatisfactory explanations that I had came across so far. 01:38:03
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@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon In a related issue, Ampere's circuital law is irrotational and conserves itself but Maxwell explained it in non conserving form 01:42:30
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon The conserving and non conserving paradigms makes everything so needlessly complicated and trying to posit both in all situations leads to the nonsense of modern electrical theory with simultaneity paradoxes. There just has to be a better less nonsensical dynamic aether model that doesn't abuse paradoxes. 01:46:30
30 Nov 2023
@marmarr:matrix.org@marmarr:matrix.org joined the room.19:36:14
2 Dec 2023
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Fluid dynamics 23:40:33
@_discord_964173249372102659:t2bot.iokelenlukie Idk the math for it though 23:40:47
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BRvwhfdfVg 05:58:12
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon changed their profile picture.05:58:15
8 Dec 2023
@icanthearyou:matrix.orglmao changed their display name from icanthearyou to lmao.04:11:09
@marmarr:matrix.org@marmarr:matrix.org left the room.12:48:23
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:25:42
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_100306755090644992:t2bot.iommx_in_orbit 21:13:26
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_920596579470172170:t2bot.ioprsntco joined the room.21:12:31
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_514461484319899659:t2bot.iogolden_tulip changed their display name from DOccultist to golden_tulip.02:53:36
29 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AXv49dDQJw 01:45:35
1 Jan 2024
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6VaoEeRt8 Semi related, Robert Distinti AND AlphaPhoenix both demonstrated that the Dynamic Aether doesn't violate locality but in different ways 01:24:36
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6VaoEeRt8 Semi related, Robert Distinti AND AlphaPhoenix both demonstrated that the Dynamic Aether doesn't violate locality, but arrived to that conclusion in different ways 01:25:03
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon AlphaPhoenix had shown "back EMF" demonstrably, but some people to this day deny it 01:40:35
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StgFwCgJcjc 08:05:53
@_discord_233439229466771456:t2bot.iometamorpheus_ joined the room.23:04:49
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_247744244171669504:t2bot.iosamuelbqn joined the room.19:28:25
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 changed their display name from Discobeat to discobeat_1.03:32:37
15 Feb 2024
@shirleyzhou2022:matrix.orgshirleyzhou2022 joined the room.00:45:29
29 Feb 2024
@gravitxpress:matrix.orggravitxpress joined the room.05:50:10

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