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28 Mar 2023
@_discord_299975969413005314:t2bot.ioBitcoinandy joined the room.11:51:33
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] sickpig opened merge request !260: Add INSTALL.md to the gitian binaries archives 13:37:31
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone approved merge request !259: add watchonly api tests for getwalletinfo 15:03:17
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone merged merge request !259: add watchonly api tests for getwalletinfo 15:03:21
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] sickpig opened merge request !261: build: Fix boost depends build with glibc >= 2.34


In glibc >= 2.34 PTHREAD_STACK_MIN has been made dynamic which causes Boost 1.70 to fail to build.

This has been fixed in https://github.com/boostorg/thread/pull/297 for Solaris which also uses a function call for PTHREAD_STACK_MIN.


  • https://github.com/fabaff/nixpkgs/commit/629e53164bf3f2389813e51e9a984a998559abba
  • https://github.com/boostorg/thread/issues/364
  • https://github.com/boostorg/thread/issues/283

Test plan

  • Use a build OS that includes glibc >= 3.34 (eg Ubuntu 22.04)
  • cd depends
  • make make HOST=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
@_discord_999228441641619456:t2bot.ioDK_Official_AC changed their display name from DK_Official_AC to DK_Official_AC#4957.18:07:37
@_discord_999228441641619456:t2bot.ioDK_Official_AC changed their display name from DK_Official_AC#4957 to DK_Official_AC.18:07:37
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone approved merge request !260: Add INSTALL.md to the gitian binaries archives 18:32:51
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone merged merge request !260: Add INSTALL.md to the gitian binaries archives 18:32:56
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone approved merge request !261: build: Fix boost depends build with glibc >= 2.34 18:34:59
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] gandrewstone merged merge request !261: build: Fix boost depends build with glibc >= 2.34 18:35:07
@_discord_967032267732049971:t2bot.iogus joined the room.22:44:46
29 Mar 2023
@_discord_294017607378403348:t2bot.iorezaularif joined the room.12:04:48
@_discord_432951474436177921:t2bot.ioMerlin Wizard joined the room.12:55:30
@nexa-gitlab-bot:matrix.orggitlab-bot [nexa/nexa] ptschip opened merge request !262: Add QT checkbox to main options in order to initiate a reindex on next startup

This is a really useful feature for handling tech support on discord where we're dealing with new users that often don't understand how to launch nexa from the command line or where to create a nexa.conf file to put the reindex startup flags.

@_discord_491543734006185988:t2bot.iokolo joined the room.15:00:36
@_discord_587697024837746702:t2bot.ioFlux joined the room.17:27:14
@_discord_893327096967995502:t2bot.ioWoke_Regulator changed their display name from Mr_Kennedy_123 to Woke_Regulator#4941.17:32:36
@_discord_893327096967995502:t2bot.ioWoke_Regulator changed their display name from Woke_Regulator#4941 to Woke_Regulator.17:32:38
@_discord_250522794503176193:t2bot.ioxetura joined the room.18:25:54
@_discord_827689920768114728:t2bot.io!fRiZ joined the room.22:59:21
@_discord_1023313455916265565:t2bot.ioMrBOUFFARD<QC> joined the room.23:15:07
30 Mar 2023
@_discord_369310041205112843:t2bot.iorugrum ▽ joined the room.01:26:44
@_discord_473139318538633227:t2bot.io鋼鐵韓粉 changed their display name from KASPA E.coli to KASPA cmu995#2836.07:22:09
@_discord_473139318538633227:t2bot.io鋼鐵韓粉 changed their display name from KASPA cmu995#2836 to KASPA cmu995.07:22:10
@_discord_325723444350156803:t2bot.ionaz2x joined the room.12:03:04
@_discord_440323140397170688:t2bot.ioAiven joined the room.12:42:19
@_discord_759577656760074263:t2bot.ioScott.Tripp joined the room.13:58:22
@_discord_442426231909253153:t2bot.iofranxyz joined the room.14:23:37
@_discord_236359961775570946:t2bot.ioFrankgore joined the room.15:58:43

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