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12 Mar 2017
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgbut okay if you dont want my help21:47:12
@ratot:matrix.orgratotoh yeah then upload a checksum from nowhere to a torrent uploaded by another user, not suspicious at all21:47:44
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgif you are not dumb21:47:58
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgyou are safe21:48:01
@ratot:matrix.orgratotlike ghostleech of course21:48:15
@ratot:matrix.orgratotthank you for the tip21:48:21
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgghostleech is harder21:48:37
@ratot:matrix.orgratoti'm calling the police21:48:51
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgfor this just dl on pooloo, re encode, and make a log21:49:01
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.orgbye now21:49:16
@ratot:matrix.orgratotno one wants to register on apollo21:49:36
@ratot:matrix.orgratotget fucked21:49:43
@176253:matrix.org@176253:matrix.org left the room.21:49:52
@176221:matrix.orgassaand again you're stuck with me...21:50:34
@176221:matrix.orgassaseems like your plan is working21:50:57
@ratot:matrix.orgratotwanna take the redpill21:51:09
@176221:matrix.orgassasure, try me21:51:57
@ratot:matrix.orgratotok join #golanguage:matrix.org21:53:29
@ratot:matrix.orgratotand stay here forever21:53:32
@176221:matrix.orgassai'm staying with python22:01:28
@176221:matrix.orgassamore it's the way to go for ml22:01:38
@ratot:matrix.orgratotjust do as i told you and don't be retarded22:03:00
@176221:matrix.orgassagib invite first22:03:33
@ratot:matrix.orgratotchanged room power levels.22:14:39
@176279:matrix.orgspiznnx joined the room.22:37:29
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwO joined the room.23:04:18
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwO changed their display name from TripleKMafia to OwO.23:04:30
@Stuur_naaktfotos:matrix.orgOwOIs there where i get , , , , invites to ip the torrents ,/23:13:54

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