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26 Jun 2022
@_discord_913056224336052225:t2bot.ioThe#4035 why is choosing a good IDE for python hard 05:17:27
@_discord_913056224336052225:t2bot.ioThe#4035 visual studio code sucks for python as you can't kill the terminal or atleast it's hidden somewhere 05:17:42
@_discord_495916261382029313:t2bot.ioseaweed you could try pycharm 05:17:58
@_discord_913056224336052225:t2bot.ioThe#4035 and pycharm idk if by any chance it breaks other IDEs 05:17:59
@_discord_913056224336052225:t2bot.ioThe#4035 maybe I will try again 05:18:08
@_discord_913056224336052225:t2bot.ioThe#4035 nvm all I just need to not get their 50 files in my project is to add a configuration 05:19:52
@_discord_509885116928098306:t2bot.ioPi#0038 changed their display name from pi to Pi#0038.06:00:52
@_discord_509885116928098306:t2bot.ioPi#0038 changed their profile picture.06:00:54
@_discord_395441037591707648:t2bot.io𝓝𝓲𝓬 joined the room.06:44:38
@_discord_488419516561489920:t2bot.iodarknesiksik joined the room.08:11:01
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Which IDE for Rust has a compiler built in? Not looking for MS products 09:28:14
@_discord_140564766484725760:t2bot.ioFelix | Derik Vim macros 09:29:32
@_discord_159554199158390784:t2bot.ioduck Maybe Jetbrains has an IDE for that 09:30:07
@_discord_159554199158390784:t2bot.ioduck Ah, IntelliJ Rust is a thing apparnetly https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/ 09:30:26
@_discord_159554199158390784:t2bot.ioduck * Ah, IntelliJ Rust is a thing apparently https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/ 09:30:35
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Yep that's what I'm looking for. Thanks duck 09:43:47
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Looks like I have to have one of their other IDEs for this. I guess I'm gonna get their C++ IDE 10:28:39
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Oops did I turn ping off for that? My fault 10:28:53
@_discord_375595292118220800:t2bot.ioOluh JetBrains work greatly with the Rust plugin 12:22:13
@_discord_375595292118220800:t2bot.ioOluh now I use vscodium but it's great 12:22:14
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 I'm trying to avoid big tech products so I went with CLion from JetBrains with the Rust plugin. I'm using the free trial at the moment, and will upgrade to paid if it does everything I need it to 12:47:51
@_discord_140564766484725760:t2bot.ioFelix | Derik I would argue that jetbrain IDEs are a way bigger tech product than vscodium 12:50:21
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Oh VScodium. The third party one. They're smaller than Microsoft, which makes the base vscode /vsstudio. And it has the advantage of being able to support the devs directly through subscription 12:52:34
@_discord_140564766484725760:t2bot.ioFelix | Derik And they removed all the telemetry from the source code to publish it under the MIT licence 13:12:47
@_discord_948208421054865410:t2bot.ioSpellignError#3157 Are they graves or backticks? Yes, I do read pins before asking 13:30:51
@_discord_873961438333501510:t2bot.iodvd#7125 Are you a student? 13:37:30
@_discord_873961438333501510:t2bot.iodvd#7125 If yes; you can get it for free 13:37:36
@_discord_375595292118220800:t2bot.ioOluh i know a way 13:45:18
@_discord_375595292118220800:t2bot.ioOluh but it doesn't require you to be a student 13:45:28
@_discord_375595292118220800:t2bot.ioOluh 😳 13:45:39

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