
Information - Ranks & Levels

175 Members
View the Ranks & Levels earned in the Discord server2 Servers

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13 Aug 2021
@rikj000:matrix.orgRikj000 changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".17:57:16
@_discord_850291715537108992:t2bot.ioDnf joined the room.20:30:12
@_discord_333301362907545611:t2bot.iochildconqueror joined the room.21:54:23
14 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 joined the room.01:06:28
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 childconqueror, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 4. 🎉 01:06:28
15 Aug 2021
@_discord_830120630942564403:t2bot.ioMuzo joined the room.13:56:26
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Muzo, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 3. 🎉 14:09:44
16 Aug 2021
@_discord_751656953066946601:t2bot.ioDankeZ joined the room.09:35:43
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Jerson Júnior, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 4. 🎉 15:25:41
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 beEnry, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 3. 🎉 15:56:50
17 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 DankeZ, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 2. 🎉 09:36:44
@_discord_365474979443376129:t2bot.ioBabalz joined the room.21:11:20
18 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Babalz, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 2. 🎉 12:46:28
19 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Aesculap76, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 13:23:43
20 Aug 2021
@_discord_816421107783303168:t2bot.ioprumprum123 joined the room.05:45:04
21 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 3ylo, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 17. 🎉 07:33:13
@_discord_345224704161873920:t2bot.ioShkurolog joined the room.16:14:00
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Shkurolog, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 16:26:45
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Shkurolog, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 2. 🎉 17:28:36
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Jerson Júnior, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 5. 🎉 22:13:33
22 Aug 2021
@_discord_414761072533307403:t2bot.iorill joined the room.15:23:28
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 rill, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 15:57:35
@jogn_mgm:matrix.orgjogn_mgm joined the room.18:12:12
@rikj000:matrix.orgRikj000changed room power levels.19:23:23
24 Aug 2021
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Disco [✔ Bot], congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 17:45:08
25 Aug 2021
@_discord_685772810089791519:t2bot.iorUpere joined the room.13:26:17
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 prumprum123, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 19:15:24
26 Aug 2021
@_discord_689182366786256979:t2bot.iopenzl joined the room.06:15:47
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 penzl, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 06:49:09
@_discord_879660156521168907:t2bot.ioDisco joined the room.12:15:03

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