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10 Sep 2024
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarvey e.g when I used zsh + oh-my-zsh I had export EDITOR=/usr/bin/micro added to .zshrc as well as source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh which is what loaded oh-my-zsh. 08:12:31
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarvey~/.profile is for bash so it won't help. Not all other shells source ~/.profile08:15:12
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarvey * Yes, you can add that to ~/.zshrc08:24:04
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschHi Folks switching to unstable repo means: sudo eopkg add-repo unstable sudo eopkg disable-repo shannon sudo eopkg enable-repo unstable sudo eopkg update-repo unstable eopkg upgrade right? 12:04:30
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarveyPersonally I see no point in keeping the shannon repo listed, you can add it back later if you need. So I would just replace the default repo then you only need 1 command.12:13:07
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarvey so eopkg lr if you only have 1 repo called Solus then run: sudo eopkg ar Solus https://cdn.getsol.us/repo/unstable/eopkg-index.xml.xz and you are done 12:13:42
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarveyPlease note people on the unstable repo need to check the topic of the packaging channel to make sure it is safe to update. Updating without doing so can result in your install breaking.12:14:14

Thanks, Harvey Will do so.

Please note people on the unstable repo need to check the topic of the packaging channel to make sure it is safe to update. Updating without doing so can result in your install breaking.

I know 😉
It's just testing in a VM not on my ops system (keeps staying on shannon)


It is possible to opt-in to test the /usr merge. Before doing so, take note of the following:

The requisite packages are available on stable and unstable, but it is recommended to use unstable for testing.


In reply to @harveydevel:matrix.org
e.g when I used zsh + oh-my-zsh I had export EDITOR=/usr/bin/micro added to .zshrc as well as source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh which is what loaded oh-my-zsh.
Finally it works. The source was already there but I had to add the first line. Thank you pomon as well.
@harveydevel:matrix.orgHarveyYeah just need to make sure everyone knows the risk, especially since its a public channel and people follow along and run commands for shits and giggles.12:23:47
@awaynotgone:matrix.orgMarko joined the room.14:50:26

Hi Solus folks. Where is the right place to ask for package updates? For example the Tuba Mastodon app ist still 0.7.x and recent is the 0.8.x

And I would love these natice Gnome app as native app not as Flatpak.

In reply to @staudey:matrix.org
Thanks, request ist out at Github. 😉
11 Sep 2024
@warthunder1969:matrix.orgWarthunder joined the room.02:30:02
12 Sep 2024
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinwe joined the room.04:23:29
@alexanderzhirov:matrix.orgalexanderzhirov Hi guys, everyone! Is it possible for a user to override /etc/locale.conf? 13:58:07
@alexanderzhirov:matrix.orgalexanderzhirov ~/.config/locale.conf not working 13:59:47
@alfisya:matrix.orgmalfisya You can just edit file in /etc. /etc is for user to edit anyway, unlike /usr which is manager by eopkg. 14:04:35
In reply to @alfisya:matrix.org
You can just edit file in /etc. /etc is for user to edit anyway, unlike /usr which is manager by eopkg.
But there is no mechanism for each user?

I think the 10-xdg.sh in the bash package would have to be adjusted to account for locale.conf files in XDG_CONFIG_HOME

You could just create your own locale.conf and manually source it in the user's .profile, I guess

@staudey:matrix.orgStaudey and/or create an /etc/profile.d/ script that sources $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/locale.conf 14:40:59
@alexanderzhirov:matrix.orgalexanderzhirovIs there any way to allow a user connected via RDP to change settings without entering a password? Is it necessary to add a user to some special group? I log in through a local user, but the standard network settings ask for a password, although this does not happen from this user during local operation.15:38:27
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganYou'd need to create a polkit policy to allow that user or a group their in to not have to re-authenticate19:14:58

I wanted to ask if I am doing something wrong or if this is a discover problem: The theme isn't really working on it. I am on budgie with a Canta-dark-compact theme and I can't read anything in Discover. There is dark Text on dark background and bright text on bright backgroung. When playing around with the style options in the budgie menu there was the following error that came up:

Error Type: <class 'TypeError'>
Error Value: PackageKitBaseBackend.details() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dl_bytes'
  File : /tmp/onefile_280124_1726170396_895190/eopkgBackend.py, line 1014, in <module>
  File : /tmp/onefile_280124_1726170396_895190/eopkgBackend.py, line 1011, in main
  File : /tmp/onefile_280124_1726170396_895190/packagekit/backend.py, line 730, in dispatcher
  File : /tmp/onefile_280124_1726170396_895190/packagekit/backend.py, line 597, in dispatch_command
  File : /tmp/onefile_280124_1726170396_895190/eopkgBackend.py, line 469, in get_details
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelIf I change the theme to e.g. Flat-Plat I can read everything completely ok.19:49:59
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepman well that's interesting 19:50:17
Download image.png
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanso, the TypeError that came up is an eopkg/packagekit bug that we're aware of, it's being worked on19:52:04

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