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12 Sep 2024
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmando other KDE apps follow the theme correctly?19:52:20
In reply to @sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.website
do other KDE apps follow the theme correctly?
I have no problem with any other app in terms of display.
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelWhen changing to other dark themes it is the same problem, when changing to a light one, I can read everything. So maybe dark theme of Discover isn't working properly?20:01:35
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmancan you try another KDE app, like kate?20:02:15
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepman it sounds like a GTK vs QT thing as you're on budgie 20:02:42
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelI am sing Kate daily. No problem at all.20:02:49
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelRedacted or Malformed Event20:02:50
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanokay, that's very odd.20:03:04
Download image.png
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelsorry first screenshot was a bit revealing in files :D20:03:55
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanI'm at work right now where I run plasma, but I've got a budgie system at home. I'll check that out later on and see if I can reproduce20:04:05
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzel * I am using Kate daily. No problem at all.20:04:15
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelI've got two older laptops running budgie as well and the problem exists there too. One laptop is on Materia-dark and the other on Canta-dark-compact as well.20:11:17
@knilchtime:matrix.orghunzelOn materia-dark I can at least read the menu on the left, there is dark grey text on black background.20:12:03
@pomon:matrix.orgpomonI don't know if you really need Discord, which installs 65 dependency packages related to the QT library on Budgie. Isn't it better to install gnome-software? 23:57:58
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganI assume you mean Discover?23:58:41
13 Sep 2024
@pomon:matrix.orgpomon * I don't know if you really need Discover, which installs 65 dependency packages related to the QT library on Budgie. Isn't it better to install gnome-software? 00:09:00
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanGNOME Software is probably more efficient from a package count standpoint, but the theming shouldn't be screwed up anyway00:32:11
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanBesides, G-S likely pulls in parts of gnome you don't need on budgie too, right? haven't tried lately :P00:33:39
@sheepman:m.stupid.frickin.websitesheepmanwell that's not so bad00:52:21
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit I wish there was some way to save the old Software Center...
Gnome Software sucks and KDE Discover isn't that much better :/
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit I wish there was some way to save the old Software Center...
Gnome Software sucks and KDE Discover isn't that much better :/
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganIt would need to be rewritten almost entirely from scratch03:10:30
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a BitWhy not do that?03:29:52
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganBecause noone wants to03:30:29
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganSimple as that03:30:40

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