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17 Sep 2024
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweFor now the cold boot was successful. I will take a look a little bit more during couple of days03:50:47
@leapfog:matrix.orgleapfog Anyone here using a Yubikey or other FIDO2 sticks? I bought some and found that they can also be used to login via ssh or even local (via pam). While ssh works out of the box (since openssh 8.2), local login needs a line to be added to a pam file. How can I add the following line auth sufficient pam_u2f.so cue to pam's system-auth file? (That line allows to login by inserting the key and touching it, i.e. no passwords anymore, if to be used as a second factor a different line has to be used), 09:03:53
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganCopy the default pam file for that to /etc/pam.d17:32:14
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly Brogan
sudo mkdir /etc/pam.d
sudo cp /usr/share/defaults/etc/pam.d/system-auth /etc/pam.d
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweOkay, still not works in some cases. I bet it is just microsoft who did something that prevents the correct work of Linux.18:04:48
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCIt's more likely there's just something needed. Microsoft has nothing to do with this.19:59:04
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganYou could try the LTS kernel20:18:26
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganDo you have a Nvidia GPU?20:18:40
18 Sep 2024
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheus joined the room.00:07:07
Download image.png
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusi dont know why 00:07:34
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusbut its broken00:07:39
Download image.png
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusthis is broken to, anyone get this problem?00:08:34
In reply to @reillybrogan:matrix.org
Do you have a Nvidia GPU?
full AMD.
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganThen you should just be able to switch to the lts kernel without installing anything extra05:22:40
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweOkay, I'll try it at evening05:41:34
Download image.png
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusmy first broken 16:55:01
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusi dont know why haha i just update16:55:10
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusany solutions for this ? i already google it but dont find 16:55:52
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudey The linux-current package falsely reports as broken. It's fine 17:02:10
@luizmatheus:matrix.orgluizmatheusI got a shock now, because I never install anything different here haha17:04:48
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCThe unfortunate pains and false errors from us updating our tooling. It will be worth it!17:19:06
19 Sep 2024
@quiloa_rebolo:matrix.orgQuiloa Rebolo joined the room.12:03:18
@kaktuspalme:matrix.orgkaktuspalme Reilly Brogan: https://discuss.getsol.us/d/10942-openfortivpn-segmentation-fault I just saw your comment here. I'm a user of openfortivpn, In case you want me to try it. My workaround is to use nmcli, with nmcli I can do the connection 16:00:28

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