
Solus Support

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15 Sep 2024
@berghsg:matrix.orgsb onlineHi, can anyone help me with password? I am running Solus live from flashdrive (before installing) and dont know what password to enter15:20:08
@ebonjaeger:matrix.orgEbonJaegerthere isn't a password. try hitting enter without putting anything in15:21:19
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeySeems like my screen turns off when it tries to do the usr-merge16:08:08
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyAh, it succeeded and came back on, but that took a whilw16:08:21
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyNVIDIA GPU16:08:30
@staudey:matrix.orgStaudeyGonna make a report in the testing issue16:12:10
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschIn testing or stable?17:16:46
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCUsr-merge is in unstable only right now17:24:58
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschNot only In the GitHub issue tracker are guys, reporting they did it in stable17:34:07
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschOh forget it My fault17:35:49
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschsomething confused17:36:20
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschSometimes the problem for non native speaker17:37:03
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly Brogan
In reply to @alphaelwedritsch:matrix.org
Not only
In the GitHub issue tracker are guys, reporting they did it in stable
You can opt-in on stable to the usr-merge, but on unstable it's enabled to happen automatically for all systems
@reillybrogan:matrix.orgReilly BroganThat'll be reverted before we sync18:09:35
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyCThanks for clarifyig18:12:07
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyC* Thanks for clarifying18:12:12
@traceyc:matrix.orgTraceyC<- is still jet lagged and catching up18:12:31
16 Sep 2024
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweUpd: it happens on the cold boot04:31:19

feanaro_curufinwe: You need to look at the logs. E.g.:

journalctl -p err -b
journalctl -b | grep Wireless

Maybe the card driver is not loading, so show inxi -N | grep Wir and check lsmod | grep(your driver name)

Download ima_2a35d41.png
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweRedacted or Malformed Event06:27:56
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinwe And, if no dual boot, everything is perfect 06:28:24
@pomon:matrix.orgpomon In Windows, Start -> Power -> Shut down does not ensure a complete shutdown of the system. RAM is not completely cleared. Try disabling it while pressing the Shift key on your keyboard and clicking Shut down. Or use this command shutdown.exe -s 06:59:57
@alphaelwedritsch:matrix.orgAlphaElwedritschIsn't that the case if "fast startup" is activated? And shouldn't this be deactivated in dual boot, or in general anyway?08:08:31
In reply to @alphaelwedritsch:matrix.org
Isn't that the case if "fast startup" is activated? And shouldn't this be deactivated in dual boot, or in general anyway?
IMO, yes. You can in the Power and Sleep Settings system -> Additional power setting -> Choose what the power buttons do -> Change settings that are currently unavailable -> Uncheck Turn on fast startup (recommended)
Or in the BIOS, look for the "Boot" tab and there the "Fastboot" (or "Fast Boot") option
In reply to @alphaelwedritsch:matrix.org
Isn't that the case if "fast startup" is activated? And shouldn't this be deactivated in dual boot, or in general anyway?
* IMO, yes. You can in the system Power and Sleep Settings -> Additional power setting -> Choose what the power buttons do -> Change settings that are currently unavailable -> Uncheck Turn on fast startup (recommended)
Or in the BIOS, look for the "Boot" tab and there the "Fastboot" (or "Fast Boot") option
In reply to @berghsg:matrix.org
Hi, can anyone help me with password? I am running Solus live from flashdrive (before installing) and dont know what password to enter
Are you running Plasma or another spin?
In reply to @alphaelwedritsch:matrix.org
Isn't that the case if "fast startup" is activated? And shouldn't this be deactivated in dual boot, or in general anyway?
It is deactivated
@aspdragon:matrix.orgfeanaro_curufinweWell, it was enabled in Bios, though13:36:00
In reply to @pomon:matrix.org
In Windows, Start -> Power -> Shut down does not ensure a complete shutdown of the system. RAM is not completely cleared. Try disabling it while pressing the Shift key on your keyboard and clicking Shut down. Or use this command shutdown.exe -s
I cannot find it 😅

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