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26 Jul 2024
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 If you care to add this as an optional toggle I am not opposed as crazy as that is 20:14:59
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 Embedding steam VR launcher GUI would actually do some pretty interesting things for us 20:15:54
@_discord_334742188841762819:ckie.devadibtw#0 Same here 20:16:14
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 Or even crazier: Allowing select OpenComposite SteamVR GUI implementations 20:18:06
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 This has some interesting compatibility implications 20:19:15
@_discord_255041490676350976:ckie.devolekolek1000 Is that even possible? I thought the SteamVR GUI was tightly integrated with the compositor 20:20:20
@_discord_255041490676350976:ckie.devolekolek1000 * Is that even possible? I thought the SteamVR GUI was tightly integrated with the steamvr's compositor 20:21:33
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 Yes, opencomposite does have the calls though

I genuinely don't know who would be crazy enough to orchestrate such a thing, but say for instance you can replicate little subsets of openvr webengine bits in wlx windowing... Terrifying & interesting as an option to make crtain things workable.
@_discord_255041490676350976:ckie.devolekolek1000 the only thing that is currently missing for me is the display brightness on Valve index (it is set at 100%, but it can be even brighter at 120%), I wonder how it can be set 20:24:42
@_discord_797861611637440553:ckie.devbabblebones#0 Or could make a framework for porting driver GUI pieces much easier, a lot of those openvr have their own windowing config systems

Idk supreme could just tell me I'm crazy and this should not be done

But still discord and twitch chats be nice
@_discord_510621703051935744:ckie.devothello7 I am pleased to see that wlx closes properly now, and also the new steamvr-style background looks sick 22:29:55
@_discord_334742188841762819:ckie.devadibtw#0 out of curiosity, is that on the latest Appimage, or built from source? 22:43:50
@galister:matrix.orggalisterThat's main branch on openxr22:46:53
27 Jul 2024
@_discord_174609582545436672:ckie.devraku_cat Skybox looks quite nice yes :3 the floor grid is a nice touch 00:52:35
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 aaah, well what a great coincidence! 01:54:53
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 it's very nice tho 01:54:59
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 tho there was a graphic glitch line on 'kbd' on the watch 01:55:18
@_discord_334742188841762819:ckie.devadibtw#0 yeah
I've noticed that too
but also I didn't change any of the font rendering code
@_discord_334742188841762819:ckie.devadibtw#0 anyways I'm glad you like it :3 02:22:00
@_discord_129049976310464512:ckie.devveraa_m#0 anyone have any ideas for this 02:33:17
@_discord_174609582545436672:ckie.devraku_cat I think I recall an issue on teh trascker that metnioned issues with it and IU think its just a weird issue with the new steamvr versions 03:29:13
@_discord_174609582545436672:ckie.devraku_cat https://github.com/galister/wlx-overlay-s/issues/18#issuecomment-2024813823 03:29:46
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 but I also niticed the text is looking it's escaping their text boxes slightly (cut off) 03:51:06
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 * but I also noticed the text is looking it's escaping their text boxes slightly (cut off) 03:51:16
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 but still wishing for something like a MangoHUD extension 03:51:58
@_discord_585595388757671949:ckie.devartemisfowl4465 * but I also noticed the text is looking like it's escaping their text boxes slightly (cut off) 03:52:52
@_discord_129049976310464512:ckie.devveraa_m#0 what Steam VR version would you reccomend then? 04:01:44
@_discord_174609582545436672:ckie.devraku_cat In genertal i think people have better epxericenes on the old 1.x version you can pick in the betas picker but I believe its at a point its not recommended to even use anymore cause of how out of date it is 04:08:29
@_discord_174609582545436672:ckie.devraku_cat Like downsides arestarting to outweigh the benefits 04:08:34
@_discord_334742188841762819:ckie.devadibtw#0 MangoHUD extension would be great
a nice alternative to fpsVR

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