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15 Feb 2025
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 this after brand new crash/restart so nothing lurking in the background 16:37:15
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 woah actually maybe.... 17:12:29
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 dammit 17:15:58
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 it initially worked and loaded into beat saber after i tried something radical 17:16:15
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 but the playspace was messed up again so i quit it and re-did the room setup 17:16:31
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 now the game dont launch at all anymore XD 17:16:42
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 basalt drifts, it's never going to stay in one spot forever, you should use spacedrag and such 17:20:51
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 * basalt drifts and doesnt have persistent stage tracking, it's never going to stay in one spot forever, you should use spacedrag and such 17:21:25
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 no i mean it was a couple of meters off 17:21:26
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 correct 17:21:30
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 it's going to do that 17:21:47
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 basalt? 17:22:04
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 use the tracking reset button in the debug window + spacedrag to counteract that 17:22:09
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 as in the rock? what that to do with anything? 17:22:18
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 monado's inside out tracking 17:22:19
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 it is called basalt 17:22:33
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 oh no i launched it successfuly with steam VR 17:22:39
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 yes, which is using monado's driver 17:22:51
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 envision/monado is just rediculously broken for me 17:22:51
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 if youre on wmr 17:22:59
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 volvo index 17:23:12
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 ah, misremembered who you were 17:23:22
@_discord_329085556791443459:ckie.devbaebey#0 it shouldnt do that 17:23:30
@_discord_345920555347738624:ckie.devbtc_baron#0 oh wait wlx is installed wtf 17:24:43
@_discord_97147368410976256:ckie.devred_m#0 I have an index and I'm nixos and it works perfectly 19:53:49
@_discord_97147368410976256:ckie.devred_m#0 * I have an index, use monado and I'm nixos and it works perfectly 19:53:58
@_discord_97147368410976256:ckie.devred_m#0 * I have an index, use monado and I'm on nixos and it works perfectly 19:56:50
@_discord_304863935960580096:ckie.dev_.____.__.____._.#0 probably ubuntu's out of date packages 21:07:37
16 Feb 2025
@_discord_895985407148322867:ckie.devariavt#0 can I make space drag be a toggle instead of a hold-down in the bindings? press once to start drag, again to stop? there are some times I have to do a lot of it in vrchat, so I think a toggle might be nicer to avoid holding a key down excessively (I can feel my hands straining often when I do this) 00:25:02
@_discord_895985407148322867:ckie.devariavt#0 (it's not often but my thumbs hurt so bad when it does due to button stiffness on the vive wands, my hands are rather smol too. rare but but still high impact enough to me to matter) 00:26:50

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