
Matrix on Debian

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14 Feb 2019

I have to say matrix-archive-keyring won't be ready today, found ways to clean up my mess of code. ☺


And oops, there was an unused software-properties-common "Recommends:" by the .deb.

15 Feb 2019
@shirish:matrix.orgshirish@Linda and @room maybe somebody here can help - 05:37:50
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI have been trying to build nheko-reborn but getting some errors which I can't make sense of - 05:38:10
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishcan anybody make any sense of this error log or what I need to fix ? https://paste.debian.net/1067960/ The Cmakeerror.log https://paste.debian.net/1067961/ The CmakeOutput.log https://paste.debian.net/1067962/05:38:37
@shirish:matrix.orgshirish uhoreg: any plans to update libolm to 3, I did see #911127 which is few months old. 09:35:08

shirish: I have been trying to build nheko-reborn but getting some errors which I can't make sense of -

apt source nheko, then debuild -us -uc in that directory?

@gnugr:matrix.orggnugrLinda: pkg nheko needs refresh, e.g debhelper is v(>=9), Standard Version: should be 4.30 and i suspect qtbase5-dev needs a new version on B-D11:16:26
@gnugr:matrix.orggnugrfor best results run 'cmake --trace' into pkg dir11:18:16
@gnugr:matrix.orggnugrsure is that is too late for upload changes because of soft-freeze11:20:27
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshit’s certainly not11:51:57
* @lindalap:matrix.orgLinda

sleeps for a bit and tries to wake up to TWIM fallout later

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI was trying nheko-reborn12:40:46
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI also had sent the same to nheko-issue list. The developer already knows 12:42:55
In reply to @shirish:matrix.org
uhoreg: any plans to update libolm to 3, I did see #911127 which is few months old.
I'll update it eventually, but it's only used by nheko right now, and there are no changes that affect nheko.
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishright, ok. 13:50:58
@max:kamax.ioMaximusFYI: https://github.com/matrix-org/package-synapse-debian/issues/4522:59:17
@uhoreg:matrix.orguhoreg Maximus: bugs in the synapse packaging should be reported in matrix-org/synapse, since that's where the packaging lives now. Do you want to move it or should I? 23:12:43
@uhoreg:matrix.orguhoreg(I just took a quick look at the packaging, and it looks like it's supposed to default to false, so I don't know why it's being set to true)23:13:29

Maximus: There's another dupe bug for this by rich


Found it. https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4440


I should ping uhoreg too


Maximus: debconf-show marix-synapse-py3 matrix-synapse/report-stats


I think


or just debconf-show matrix-synapse-py3

# debconf-show matrix-synapse-py3
* matrix-synapse/server-name: kamax.io
* matrix-synapse/report-stats: true
@max:kamax.ioMaximusdefinitely was changed23:30:36

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