
Matrix on Debian

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16 Apr 2019
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh Jörg Sommer: btw, does logging to journal work properly with this? 10:20:39
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer
In reply to @andrewsh:matrix.org
Jörg Sommer: btw, does logging to journal work properly with this?
Yes, it works.
@joerg:alea.gnuu.deJörg Sommer andrewsh: Are you interested in a Systemd service file for Workers? 10:48:40
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI’m not sure what exactly you mean, but sure, post everything you have, I will consider it for inclusion10:49:23
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshbut please submit bugs to the Debian BTS so I have it tracked somewhere10:49:41
@Baco:matrix.org🧉 baco changed their display name from ~baco 🇦🇷 to 🧉 baco 🇦🇷.15:31:14
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda Btw, I'm away from home for two weeks and can't update the matrix-archive-keyring package at mentors.debian.net 16:10:35
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdh joined the room.16:15:18
@shirish:matrix.orgshirish andrewsh: could we have a bot or something so that bugs filed under debian-matrix show up here, so we will know. 17:27:57
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg]There's supposed to be an email bot in here that relays bugs and things from tracker.d.o, but it's never seemed to send anything yet, except for the initial confirmation, and I haven't looked into it yet22:55:33
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg]I may just try to hook something up to my own email account, once I figure out what magic headers tracker adds to emails so that I can filter on them23:00:01
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRI can also look into why it's not accepting it. It's possible the bot is being too picky and rejecting the messages.23:13:06
@email:t2bot.ioEmail Notifier <owner@tracker.debian.org> Debian Package Tracker Registration Confirmation
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@travis:t2l.ioTravisRwell, it says it is subscribed to matrix-synapse now23:29:23
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRare there other packages it needs subscribing to?23:31:02
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR(the old bot looks to have never received a piece of mail in its life, so I remade the configuration for the room)23:31:25
* @travis:t2l.ioTravisR has subscribed it to the things listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix23:39:58
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] The old bot did get at least one mail. <shrug> Subscribing to tracker should subscribe to all the bugs, as far as I know 23:56:41
17 Apr 2019
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda Consider subscribing to pkg-matrix-maintainers@ mailing list. 00:52:34
@email:t2bot.ioEmail Notifier <pkg-matrix-maintainers-confirm+61d1c282db0a1a75de860c4af27d72d79ace61ac@alioth-lists.debian.net> Your confirmation is required to join the Pkg-matrix-maintainers mailing list
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@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] It's very spammy 01:02:04
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRhave turned on digests01:02:35
@email:t2bot.ioEmail Notifier <pkg-matrix-maintainers-request@alioth-lists.debian.net> Welcome to the "Pkg-matrix-maintainers" mailing list (Digest mode)
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@travis:t2l.ioTravisRgood thing that's a generated password :/01:03:09
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR(if people want to unsubscribe it or whatever, go ahead)01:04:04
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] If tracker works, then we shouldn't need the list, but we'll see 01:11:11
* @uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] wonders if sim6 is around to add mods to the room so that we can redact spam that gets forwarded from the list01:15:05
@lindalap:matrix.orgLinda andrewsh and uhoreg for mod. 01:50:02
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishfrankly what I am/was looking for is/was something small, like a bug number and subject with a hyperlink. Usually the subject itself is self-explanatory to know what the bug is about and users, contributors can go and have a look in detail to know what the issue is. 07:03:41
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishlet's see how this bot performs though first :)07:04:03

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