
Matrix on Debian

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17 Jan 2020
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRit shouldn't default to DEBUG ever, but it should default to INFO20:04:42
In reply to @travis:t2l.io
it shouldn't default to DEBUG ever, but it should default to INFO
Yes, but right now DEBUG is called "INFO" in Synapse-universe. ☹︎
@grin:grin.hugrinI have 4 days of logs, totalling about 4 GB. Compressed, mostly.20:08:47
@travis:t2l.ioTravisRnot at all, far from it. If you turn on DEBUG you'll see about 10x the logging.20:09:05
@grin:grin.hugrin At INFO level. Not DEBUG. 20:09:07
@grin:grin.hugrin We call that TRACE in wonderland here around. 20:09:26
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdhLook. I don't agree that synapse logs too much. What I have a problem with is that it nobody has come up with a solution to this other than effectively turning off the logging, and the people that think that is a good idea aren't the people that are on the firing line for supporting the application 20:09:39
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdhSorry, I *do* agree that 20:09:57
@richvdh:sw1v.orgrichvdhAlso, I am in a bad mood and should step away. 20:11:26
@grin:grin.hugrin richvdh: I think we all see your point. Our point is, that a general distro shall ship programs with non-debug logging, or phrasing it diffrently to log very limited amount of information, which is not for error inspection ("debugging") but to follow normal everyday life of the server. If the admin needs error diagnosis s/he shall be able to set DEBUG level. This is the approach on distro level. 20:11:56
@grin:grin.hugrinI absolutely support that the admin could set debug level as easy and fast as possible.20:12:19
@grin:grin.hugrinMaybe even being asked at install time, if we want to be extremely nice to the hardworking NV people.20:12:48
@grin:grin.hugrinAnd why wouldn't we? 20:12:59
@grin:grin.hugrinIt's just not expected that a default install fills up the disk without specific request to do so.20:13:30
@grin:grin.hugrinMost of the servers log the way (by default) that it is absolutely useless for debugging: if there's a problem you have to raise the loglevel. I'd mention CUPS here since it happens periodically here.20:14:28
@grin:grin.hugrin(I mean on my server.)20:14:57
@grin:grin.hugrinAn as I've mentioned in the wee hours in the morning if we set sane, size based rotation then the logs will not cove more than a few seconds of the error state of the server.20:16:11
@grin:grin.hugrinBeen there, done that.20:16:25
18 Jan 2020
@joseichiban:matrix.orgjoseichiban joined the room.14:13:52


2020-01-18 12:10:59,460 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 154 - INFO - PUT-13865- Request from archlinux.org
2020-01-18 12:10:59,467 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 389 - INFO - PUT-13865- Received txn 1578775294954 from archlinux.org. (PDUs: 0, EDUs: 1)
2020-01-18 12:10:59,485 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 302 - INFO - PUT-13865- 2a01:4f8:c2c:a43e::1 - 8448 - {archlinux.org} Processed request: 0.028sec/0.001sec
 (0.006sec, 0.003sec) (0.003sec/0.014sec/3) 12B 200 "PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/1578775294954 HTTP/1.1" "Synapse/1.8.0" [0 dbevts]

I believe just one of the two would be enough, wouldn’t it?

2020-01-18 12:10:59,706 - synapse.storage.TIME - 347 - INFO - - Total database time: 0.202% {set_received_txn_response(1): 0.086%, _prune_old_user_ips(2): 0.059
%, get_received_txn_response(1): 0.027%}
2020-01-18 12:11:04,036 - synapse.metrics - 462 - INFO - - Collecting gc 1

I would switch off both

2020-01-18 13:06:46,004 - synapse.http.federation.well_known_resolver - 234 - INFO - PUT-14110- Fetching https://matrix.org/.well-known/matrix/server
2020-01-18 13:06:46,219 - synapse.http.federation.well_known_resolver - 185 - INFO - PUT-14110- Error parsing well-known for b'matrix.org': Non-200 response 404
2020-01-18 13:06:46,249 - synapse.http.federation.matrix_federation_agent - 242 - INFO - PUT-14110- Connecting to matrix-federation.matrix.org.cdn.cloudflare.ne


@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh how about raising the level for synapse.federation.transport.server, synapse.storage.TIME and synapse.http.federation.well_known_resolver to WARN? 14:39:14
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh also synapse.metrics 14:39:36

maybe synapse.util.retryutils?

2020-01-17 15:07:11,464 - synapse.util.retryutils - 218 - INFO - federation_transaction_transmission_loop-3974- Connection to thomasroos.nl was unsuccessful (<c
lass 'synapse.api.errors.RequestSendFailed'>(Failed to send request: ConnectionRefusedError: Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.)); b
ackoff now 123114643
2020-01-17 15:07:11,467 - synapse.federation.sender.per_destination_queue - 319 - WARNING - federation_transaction_transmission_loop-3974- TX [thomasroos.nl] Fa
iled to send transaction: Failed to send request: ConnectionRefusedError: Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.
@wire:monsieur-wire.dewire joined the room.16:52:37
@fraengii:fratrix.de@fraengii:fratrix.de joined the room.16:53:28
@fraengii:fratrix.de@fraengii:fratrix.de left the room.16:54:55
@helix:tilde.funhelix joined the room.17:05:08
@sthaydn:chat.hallertau.socialst.haydn joined the room.17:06:34

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