
Matrix on Debian

250 Members
https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix96 Servers

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18 Nov 2019
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg joined the room.15:35:18
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg]changed room power levels.16:27:01
20 Nov 2019
@jon:converser.eujon joined the room.22:00:52
21 Nov 2019
@mystix:matrix.orgmystix joined the room.04:40:18
22 Nov 2019
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] changed their display name from uhoreg to [uhoreg].16:14:29
23 Nov 2019
@t-c:matrix.orgtzafrir joined the room.00:30:24
@t-c:matrix.orgtzafrirI'm not sure that this is the place to ask, but what does it take to add some bridged IRC rooms to the +debian community here?00:36:22
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg You'd have to talk to the admin of the community ( @thekyriarchy ) 01:12:38
@schotterdasotter:matrix.orgSchotterDasOtter left the room.11:41:55
24 Nov 2019
@rbazaud:matrix.orgRaphaël B. joined the room.09:11:37
25 Nov 2019

I'm just re-evaluating matrix for day-to-day IM given sporadic failures in my Jabber infrastructure; is there by now any desktop client that has end-to-end encryption compatible with other clients and is not just a wrapper around a web page?


(Current evaluation progress says that nheko won't share keys with other clients, quaternion and purple-matrix have no crypto yet at all, and revolt is barely more than a web browser)

@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI thought Fractal supported encryption, but apparently not yet?13:30:19
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshright, it’s being baked here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/metaolm13:32:08
@chrysn:chat.weho.stchrysnYeah, and unfortunately still not at a state where Fractal can use it13:33:23
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregnheko supports basic encryption (though not encrypted files). Lack of key sharing just means that if one of your own clients doesn't already have a decryption key, then it can't ask nheko for it. But encryption should still work normally.15:28:06
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregThe weechat plugin also supports encryption (though not packaged for Debian yet)15:28:38
@chrysn:chat.weho.stchrysnThe sharing thing unfortunately means that parts of my chat history are locked in into nheko :-(15:29:21
@chrysn:chat.weho.stchrysnI didn't look into weechat yet, will do that on the next round, thanks!15:29:41
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregThe next version of nheko should support the same key import/export format as Riot (and what's in the Matrix spec), so you will be able to transfer keys that way.15:30:53
@t-c:matrix.orgtzafrir uhoreg: @thekyriarchy did not respond to a direct chat invite. Should I have asked on a specific channel? 15:31:06
@chrysn:chat.weho.stchrysnawesome :-)15:31:08
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregI don't know what's the best way to reach them. I don't think I've seen them around for a long time, unfortunately.15:32:10
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg(Obviously, the best solution is to spin up a debian.org homeserver and create a +debian:debian.org community on it.)15:32:52
@t-c:matrix.orgtzafrir uhoreg: how about a debian.net one for starters? 15:36:08
@t-c:matrix.orgtzafrirOr would it be very bad to have a name change?15:36:24
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregYeah, you can't really change a server's name. You could migrate things over, but it would be a somewhat manual process.15:39:03
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregThough there's nothing wrong with a debian.net homeserver if someone wants to set one up.15:39:32
@paul:luon.netPaulWell, not yet.. at some point account might be as roaming as channels19:09:34
@lindalap:matrix.orgLindaI've always wondered if roaming accounts has something to do with Matrix.org's legal matters, as their homeserver is hosted by New Vector. (Data controller)20:36:42

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