
Matrix on Debian

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13 Feb 2019

To use the APT sources manually, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrix-org.list (most likely that path on Debian) should be:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/matrix-archive-keyring.gpg] https://matrix.org/packages/debian/ stable main
deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/matrix-archive-keyring.gpg] https://matrix.org/packages/debian/ stable main

Reminding I'll add the code to configure /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrix-org.list to the actual release


in few hours

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishwhy does the matrix-archive-keyring has the date 2015.12.09 ?14:41:16

Also, obviously replace stable by your distribution's version: lsb_release -cs


shirish: It's the date of the repo-key.asc published on matrix.org. It's also a 3.0 (native) format package, so the version number has to be like that.


Debian changes are versioned with +debian# (0.x being an UNRELEASED package) and timestamped in debian/changelog.

@lindalap:matrix.orgLindaRedacted or Malformed Event14:44:48

Also a fair warning: It removes "bad keys" from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg{,.d} (or whatever is configured in apt-config), and should also notify if it did that.

If you remove this keyring package and still use matrix-org.list, you may have a broken APT data source configuration.


This will be also fixed in the +debian1 release.


There's an additional question about APT if you use dpkg-reconfigure -plow matrix-archive-keyring, but you probably don't want it (hence why it's not asked by default)

@shirish:matrix.orgshirish Linda: I am guessing you will be uploading the documentation for the same at https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix in few hours. 14:54:40
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishwill be downloading and testing it once you have uploaded there.14:54:55

I'm not actually a Debian Developer (DD), hoping andrewsh can sponsor +debian1 release.

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishah ok.14:55:43

ITP is at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=922155

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI am currently using $ apt-cache policy riot-web riot-web: Installed: 0.17.9 Candidate: 0.17.9 Version table: *** 0.17.9 500 500 https://riot.im/packages/debian stretch/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status14:55:50

I don't have plans to support Riot.im with this +debian1 release, yet at least.


May be a seperate package.

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI understand that, there may be lot of plumbing involved.14:57:06
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishi.e splitting of packages and sharing of libraries etc.14:57:24
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishso we have depends and build-depends instead of having something like this -14:58:49
@shirish:matrix.orgshirish /var/cache/apt/archives$ ls -lh riot-web_0.17.9_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 60M Jan 22 19:58 riot-web_0.17.9_amd64.deb

It could be just a multiselect question in debconf(1) where you choose:

Select supplemental APT data sources:

[ ] Matrix.org
[ ] Riot.im

but I thought it may be out of scope to include Riot.im at this time. wishlist priority bugs can be reported.

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI absolutely agree with you. I am just a plain user :)15:00:14
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishjust saw that the package would possibly be in contrib. 15:01:56

Matrix.org marks its packages as contrib and nothing depends on pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring, so I don't see why matrix-archive-keyring package couldn't be in Debian's main archive.

Still, I've marked it as contrib in in +debian0.2.

@shirish:matrix.orgshirishmaybe that's something that should be asked of matrix upstream . 15:18:53
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishI was unable to find anything on debian/contrib in the wiki but it's there in the debian-reference 15:22:26

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