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30 Mar 2021
@_discord_500001759188746280:t2bot.ioHumm#6716 my guess is that that hb thingie is more than one source file, but I have never seen it 23:49:00
31 Mar 2021
@spryc_:matrix.orgSprycIt compiles on my alpine machine, weird 08:18:37
@_discord_500001759188746280:t2bot.ioHumm#6716 it does compile on your system 08:46:14
@_discord_500001759188746280:t2bot.ioHumm#6716 it doesn’t link 08:46:18
@_discord_500001759188746280:t2bot.ioHumm#6716 find out where the definitions are 08:46:37
@_discord_442644290842394625:t2bot.ioChapichapo joined the room.14:36:01
1 Apr 2021
@_discord_370915466517938176:t2bot.ioNecromantic_Ritual joined the room.14:02:31
2 Apr 2021
@_discord_490801413895749634:t2bot.iosouljahwitch changed their display name from ayyekou to ayyekou#4386.14:17:06
@_discord_490801413895749634:t2bot.iosouljahwitch changed their display name from ayyekou#4386 to souljahwitch.14:17:06
@_discord_178621450985406464:t2bot.io0x27a9743674 joined the room.14:41:38
@_discord_191530777203310592:t2bot.io\M4t35Z joined the room.18:05:40
3 Apr 2021
@_discord_740419310077608048:t2bot.ioHui-Jun Chen joined the room.14:18:03
4 Apr 2021
@_discord_239023105866072066:t2bot.io__ joined the room.20:53:28
5 Apr 2021
@_discord_150457475223519232:t2bot.iozafuzi joined the room.18:04:25
6 Apr 2021
@_discord_465131750201491457:t2bot.ioindervirus joined the room.09:30:25
7 Apr 2021
@_discord_761662360355209277:t2bot.iopsycher joined the room.02:26:04
@_discord_208336347327365130:t2bot.ioPsycher joined the room.02:34:26
@_discord_829225394745376798:t2bot.iolacaradeculito joined the room.05:25:52
@_discord_682407012923080749:t2bot.ioLaCaradeculito joined the room.05:34:34
@_discord_709803318515335211:t2bot.ioRafo joined the room.14:45:49
@_discord_751981748564262954:t2bot.iodfdx joined the room.18:51:07
@_discord_211997165432602625:t2bot.iole frenk joined the room.22:07:26
10 Apr 2021
@_discord_465131750201491457:t2bot.ioindervirus can anyone teach me how to use make 04:12:15
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavinok#4195 joined the room.04:12:47
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavinok#4195 sure what are you having trouble with? 04:12:47
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavinok#4195 I assume you have already seen it but this video gives a pretty good intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ7SyYyKXhk&t=21s but I have a bit of a bias 04:14:23
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavinok#4195 oh god I forgot how bad the intro video was. 04:14:59
order of .SUFFIXES doesn’t matter
@_discord_465131750201491457:t2bot.ioindervirus actually i want to connect sql to c++ but i'm unable to do 12:24:24
@_discord_500001759188746280:t2bot.ioHumm#6716 SQL is a language 13:08:47

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