
Chat <3

44 Members
Welcome to Chat!!! [RULES] (1) Don't post NSFW, sexual, pornographic or 18+ content. Innuendos are allowed. (2) Don't be stupid and DO. NOT. FIGHT. A fight will result in a 20-30 minute mute or worse. (3) Alert an admin if you suspect a chat member of being an alt of a blacklisted member. (4) Be kind, open-minded, and respectful. (5) Don't post personal information, such as full names, passwords, addresses, etc. (6) DO. NOT. Absolutely DO NOT use the 'auto-ban-words' or any variation of them. (N*gger/N*gga, faggot, and retard.) (("stupid" is acceptable as long as it is not used against a chat member.)) (7) Do not spam or mass ping UNLESS it is important. (8) No judging. (9) No being strongly anti-lgbt+, for example, insulting or judging someone for their sexuality. This room is meant to be welcoming to all. (We have several LGBTQIA+ members) (10) Don't force your opinions on others. BLACKLISTED MEMBER(S): >SAM (@totally_not_a_human) [Likes child porn, human turtles, lying, being a pest, and spreading underaged pornographic media.] >BURG (@burgiewurgie) [Troll, likes child grooming and inciting suicide.] >SELTY (@seadrachon) [incites suicide and is just an overall nuisance] 7 Servers

178 users have interacted with this room.
Page 1
MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@little_girl:matrix.org@little_girl:matrix.orgAlex is deadUser(0)
@antoinette_forgot_her_password:matrix.org@antoinette_forgot_her_password:matrix.orgAnnie_Bebe User(0)
@asahihiryu:matrix.org@asahihiryu:matrix.orgAsahi HiryuUser(0)
@akari.yuzuko:matrix.org@akari.yuzuko:matrix.orgAtashi Kou-SanUser(0)
@lecookiemonster:matrix.org@lecookiemonster:matrix.orgCookie User(0)
@broken_artist282:matrix.org@broken_artist282:matrix.orgHorny gayUser(0)
@lil_girl:matrix.org@lil_girl:matrix.orgLife or deathUser(0)
@grimre4per46:matrix.org@grimre4per46:matrix.orgLucas ^^User(0)
@sepulchure:nerdsin.space@sepulchure:nerdsin.spaceTango YankeeUser(0)
@stay_away:matrix.org@stay_away:matrix.orgally offers hugs and affectionUser(0)