
Semantic MediaWiki

190 Members
SMW lets you store and query data with­in MediaWiki pages. Mirrored in the SMW Telegram, which you can join at https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84k3OMoaYZoFA9yhyMg10 Servers

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23 Nov 2023
@telegram_291383470:t2bot.ioAlexander Mashin And this is the form in question:
4 Dec 2023
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaKeynote.jpg
Download Keynote.jpg
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard Krabinahttps://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023/Keynote17:50:33
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)What a treat!17:51:31
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)* Exciting! We are in for a treat!17:51:45
5 Dec 2023
@telegram_376371067:t2bot.ioEdu joined the room.15:24:13
6 Dec 2023
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)Does Paderborn have Uber or any ridesharing services?05:38:49
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis) * (Moved this question to the SMWCon chat.)05:41:09
@wouter_egel:matrix.orgWouter Rademaker (egel.org) changed their display name from wouter_egel to Wouter Rademaker.09:51:18
@wouter_egel:matrix.orgWouter Rademaker (egel.org) changed their display name from Wouter Rademaker to Wouter Rademaker (egel.org).09:52:26
7 Dec 2023
@eisenvig:matrix.org@eisenvig:matrix.org joined the room.23:39:34
10 Dec 2023
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)Hi all, if you are attending SMWCon, please don't forget to join the SMWCon-specific Element room. https://matrix.to/#/#semanticmediawiki:matrix.org14:57:23
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)Also, we have a Signal group for in-person attendees. The link to join is on the SMWCon Element room14:57:38
11 Dec 2023
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaLink to the live YouTube stream of SMWCon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-DFJyUPohc10:29:56
12 Dec 2023
@thomas-topway-it:matrix.orgthomas-topway-ithello, the youtupe live url is still the same ? (I'm having some issues with zoom on my laptop)08:08:16
@thomas-topway-it:matrix.orgthomas-topway-it * hello, the youtube live url is still the same ? (I'm having some issues with zoom on my laptop)08:08:26
@telegram_291383470:t2bot.ioAlexander Mashin "SMWCon ist taking a break". Is it deliberate? 11:17:38
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaYes, we were on lunch break14:19:06
13 Dec 2023
@telegram_291383470:t2bot.ioAlexander Mashin
In reply to @krabina:matrix.org
Yes, we were on lunch break
"Ja, wir waren on lunch break". I meant the verb ist.
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)No, it was not deliberate.09:04:13
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard Krabina1000064147.jpg
Download 1000064147.jpg
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaGreetings from Paderborn!13:57:55
@dwizzy:tchncs.deJorisNice! Greetings back from 20 meters to your left14:00:36
14 Dec 2023

I'm testing my upgraded MW 1.39 wikis but SMW only got upgraded from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2. However, even after update.php, the .smw.json file still shows the previous version as 3.2.3 with the latest being 4.0.2, with a timestamp from the last major upgrade in 2022. As such, the Special:SemanticMediaWiki page still reports out of date table optimization:

The system has found that the last table optimization was run 503 days ago (record from 2022-07-29 01:32) which exceeds the 90 days maintenance threshold. As mentioned in the documentation, running optimizations will allow the query planner to make better decisions about queries therefore it is suggested to run the table optimization on a regular basis.

Is this something I need to be concerned about?

15 Dec 2023
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaPlease give us feedback to SMWCon (even if you did not attend this time): https://survey.knowledge.wiki/index.php/593459?lang=en19:15:50
18 Dec 2023
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlPer https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/4727 regarding the parser unification project, is there any ETA on an update to SMW with an alternative to the in-text annotation bracket syntax?21:39:17
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlOk, ignore my question, I've been corrected.22:02:15
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlUnrelated to my above question but related to the empty/incomplete query results problem (https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/5392), the latest post there reminded me of seeing that same error back in 1.34 and 1.35, which had led to this email to the semediawiki-user list back in 2021 that got no responses. Thought I'd ask about it here and see if it's at all possibly related, and what it even means. https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/539223:02:25
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinl * Unrelated to my above question but related to the empty/incomplete query results problem (https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/5392), the latest post there reminded me of seeing that same error back in 1.34 and 1.35, which had led to this email to the semediawiki-user list back in 2021 that got no responses. Thought I'd ask about it here and see if it's at all possibly related, and what it even means. https://sourceforge.net/p/semediawiki/mailman/message/37281997/23:02:45

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