
Semantic MediaWiki

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SMW lets you store and query data with­in MediaWiki pages. Mirrored in the SMW Telegram, which you can join at https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84k3OMoaYZoFA9yhyMg10 Servers

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23 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin

Dear SMW developers,
I suspect that SMW issues queries altering tables (mainly, OPTIMIZE) to SQL backend every time that a query is made to wiki API, including automatically updating recent changes; as if SetupStore.php is being launched again and again. That happens because something is wrong with the upgrade key.

In fact, SetupStore.php has been run on container startup, and only then php-fpm started. There is no cron in the container.

Is this so, and how can this be switched off? Updating the database without being explicitly told to do that is definitely wrong.

@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin *

Dear SMW developers,
I suspect that SMW issues queries altering tables (mainly, OPTIMIZE) to SQL backend every time that a query is made to wiki API, including automatically updating recent changes; as if SetupStore.php were being launched again and again. That happens because something is wrong with the upgrade key.

In fact, SetupStore.php has been run on container startup, and only then php-fpm started. There is no cron in the container.

Is this so, and how can this be switched off? Updating the database without being explicitly told to do that is definitely wrong.

@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin I have studied .smw.json and made sure that any web request to wiki brings it to maintenance mode. 06:39:31
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin $smwgIgnoreUpgradeKeyCheck does not stop the database from being flooded with OPTIMIZE and other queries; just prevents the maintenance mode message being shown instead of wiki pages. 08:59:19
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin Whether or not setupStore.php has ben run at container startup. 09:01:30
24 Jun 2024
@lighthazard:matrix.orglighthazard Anyone know if I can modify QueryResults in getResultText() to add an extra property if it's not there? Say |?Geometry ? 13:49:23
29 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin composer update shows the message This file is part of the SemanticMetaTags extension, it is not a valid entry point. It is defined here: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMetaTags/blob/4f1cce3e15d95ec9a7d1207ae99d765a983b624b/DefaultSettings.php#L12. 09:45:52
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaIssue is reported here: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMetaTags/issues/7611:28:46
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinWhat is the freshest currently installable combination of versions of PHP, composer, MW and SMW?13:02:32
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaI am using LTS versions only. So 1.39, but in one instance with PHP 8.214:36:41
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinAnd you have managed to make SMW work under PHP 8.2 without 'passing by reference' errors?16:29:20
30 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinPHP 8.0, MW 1.39, SMW 4.3.1, Composer 2 seems to be installable.05:45:25
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwPHP 8.1 is definitely fine. Unsure about 8.219:25:50
@brian4:matrix.orgbrian4 joined the room.23:50:13
1 Jul 2024
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlRedacted or Malformed Event15:12:14
2 Jul 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinYes, 8.2 seems to work, thank you. By the way, sury's packages are unsigned today.09:54:43
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaVienna History Wiki is running 8.211:50:06
@bertrandgorge:matrix.orgBertrand GorgeHello, is anyone using negations in queries? They stopped working for me in a recent release....15:01:27
3 Jul 2024

We're testing out SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8 and have noticed the following new behavior from the old MW 1.34.4, SMW 3.2.3 system we are not used to:

  1. NULL EDITS no longer work as expected - it used to be we could trigger a SMW page property update on a page by opening the page up for source editing, adding a single white space anywhere on the page, and then clicking save.. the result we're used to is that MW does not register the added whitespace as an edit but the process causes SMW to update all properties calculated from other SMW queries ---- in the new wiki (SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8) the NULL edit does not force any SMW property updates

  2. PF AUTOEDIT with "|reload" option reloads the page before SMW updates the data that was changed .. causing users to think the autoedit did not do anything.. it takes a second manual refresh of the page to see the the autoedit was successful.

Does anyone have any insight regarding this kind of issue/behavior when upgrading from an old version of SMW to something new?

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

We're testing out SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8 and have noticed the following change in behavior from the old MW 1.34.4, SMW 3.2.3 system that we are used to:

  1. NULL EDITS no longer work as expected - it used to be we could trigger a SMW page property update on a page by opening the page up for source editing, adding a single white space anywhere on the page, and then clicking save.. the result we're used to is that MW does not register the added whitespace as an edit but the process causes SMW to update all properties calculated from other SMW queries ---- in the new wiki (SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8) the NULL edit does not force any SMW property updates
  2. PF AUTOEDIT with "|reload" option reloads the page before SMW updates the data that was changed .. causing users to think the autoedit did not do anything.. it takes a second manual refresh of the page to see the the autoedit was successful.

Does anyone have any insight regarding this kind of issue/behavior when upgrading from an old version of SMW to something new?

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxRedacted or Malformed Event21:19:59
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx *

We're testing out SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8 and have noticed the following change in behavior from the old MW 1.34.4, SMW 3.2.3 system that we are used to:

  1. NULL EDITS no longer work as expected - it used to be we could trigger a SMW page property update on a page by opening the page up for source editing, adding a single white space anywhere on the page, and then clicking save.. the result we're used to is that MW does not register the added whitespace as an edit but the process causes SMW to update all properties calculated from other SMW queries ---- in the new wiki (SMW 4.1.3 on MW 1.39.8) the NULL edit does not force any SMW property updates
  2. PF AUTOEDIT with "|reload" option reloads the page before SMW updates the data that was changed .. causing users to think the autoedit did not do anything.. it takes a second manual refresh of the page to see the the autoedit was successful.

The following cache settings are the same on both the old and new sites:

  • $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;
  • $wgParserCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
  • $wgMessageCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;

Does anyone have any insight regarding this kind of issue/behavior when upgrading from an old version of SMW to something new?

@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaFor testing purposes I certainly recommend to remove all caching. For null edits, I never added a whitespace. Simplicity clicking edit and save is enough.21:33:10
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaFor properties calculated from other queries, I would recommend using the Semantic Dependancy Updater extension from GesinnIT21:35:52
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxHi Bernard. Thanks for the quick reply. The problem we’re having though is that the edits are no longer working at all all. Space or just clicking save.21:38:01
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxAnd wrt SDU .. The situation has nothing to do with calculated properties. I miss spoke in a way. It has to do with auto edit finishing its job and updating the page property values and refreshing the page a few seconds before semantic mediawiki properties are updated in the query results.21:39:48
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * And wrt SDU .. The situation has nothing specific to calculated properties. I miss spoke in a way. It has to do with auto edit finishing its job and updating the page property values and refreshing the page a few seconds before semantic mediawiki properties are updated in the query results.21:40:40
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Hi Bernhard. Thanks for the quick reply. The problem we’re having though is that the edits are no longer working at all all. Space or just clicking save.22:20:06
4 Jul 2024
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx* Hi Bernhard. Thanks for the quick reply. The problem we’re having though is that the null edits are no longer working at all all. Space or just clicking save.02:33:58
7 Jul 2024
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwIs anyone here running a non-trivial SMW on MediaWiki 1.41 or later? It'd be nice to document how compatible SMW is with these versions.12:53:24

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