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11 Jul 2023
@_discord_1128411800812146688:t2bot.ionero355 joined the room.19:46:32
15 Jul 2023
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0 joined the room.07:49:11
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0Download PXL_20230715_0740053452.mp407:49:11
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0 Got my 7T partially booting NixOS on a mainline kernel 07:49:12
Download PXL_20230715_074718003.jpg
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0 Fails a bit later though because of something graphics related and because it can't find the rootfs 07:49:26
@jo.blade:matrix.orgJo.BladeCan you give us a guide ? Or the kernel and nixos image you use ?23:30:10
@chickengod:matrix.org@chickengod:matrix.org left the room.23:35:29
16 Jul 2023
In reply to @_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.io
Got my 7T partially booting NixOS on a mainline kernel
Nice work!
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0 haven't pushed it to a git repo yet, but I used this kernel: https://gitlab.com/sm8150-mainline/linux and this for nixos: https://github.com/NixOS/mobile-nixos/ 09:08:25
@_discord_212629786709721088:t2bot.iolunaa._#0 ^ jo.blade 09:08:37
@jo.blade:matrix.orgJo.BladeWow very cool !11:08:06
18 Jul 2023
@_discord_374107215340109825:t2bot.ioLe Gros barbu I think the main problem is the fact it can't mount some partitions 07:20:19
@_discord_374107215340109825:t2bot.ioLe Gros barbu It should be the same error as mine as you use the same kernel I think 07:21:06
22 Jul 2023
@_discord_538111765926641703:t2bot.ioIssue joined the room.17:32:23
23 Jul 2023
@downt:matrix.org@downt:matrix.org joined the room.11:52:33
@downt:matrix.org@downt:matrix.org left the room.11:53:08
27 Jul 2023
@_discord_290434105475072000:t2bot.io.kikoroo joined the room.17:42:09
29 Jul 2023
@_discord_550501921799274518:t2bot.iovenykrid#0 changed their display name from venykrid#3034 to venykrid#0.04:44:24
30 Jul 2023
@_discord_437796450504540160:t2bot.iomalachi1778 joined the room.17:32:03
1 Aug 2023
@_discord_1135890675611734066:t2bot.ionero355_45230 joined the room.11:04:35
@_discord_1128411800812146688:t2bot.ionero355 changed their display name from nero355 to nero355#0.11:18:45
@_discord_1128411800812146688:t2bot.ionero355 changed their display name from nero355#0 to nero355.11:18:47
@_discord_1135979167171756113:t2bot.iolx joined the room.16:57:52
2 Aug 2023
@_discord_608524750129725441:t2bot.iohaoyu233 joined the room.01:33:37
@_discord_1127574397759279225:t2bot.iojoejoecindy joined the room.11:38:43
3 Aug 2023
@_discord_507281341587652620:t2bot.ionataliiaaa joined the room.22:05:15
4 Aug 2023
@_discord_1136911224555175946:t2bot.iodipak_37003 joined the room.06:42:10
@_discord_802856022954737664:t2bot.iocrazyinsanejames joined the room.10:10:24
@_discord_423222069761671169:t2bot.iomachetie#0 changed their display name from machetie to machetie#0.15:07:08

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