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21 Apr 2021
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI will use yours, it's better have a message02:43:20
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg Please leave the variable as backtrace. I shorten too often... 02:44:39
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI am installing ruby in Windows to test it... Seems Windows handle fatal error differently02:55:24
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiaoimage.png
Download image.png
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoLink: https://github.com/calvinxiao/puma/runs/2396589959?check_suite_focus=true02:56:30
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg Sound vaguely familiar. I'd say skip it on Windows. skip_if :windows. I think. 03:00:55
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao I will add skip_if :windows first, but still want to know why the process just exited. 03:04:17
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregterm signal? Which doesn't work on Windows...03:05:08
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao On WSL2: fatal machine stack overflow in critical region 03:10:47
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao on Windows: SystemStackError stack level too deep, I can rescue this error though 03:11:10
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiaoskip it first03:11:18

I can rescue this error though

If an error escapes from Minitest, it's usually pretty serious?

@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI need to setup Windows environment to find out.03:43:23

I can rescue this error though

I'll see what I can find. Feel free to ask questions about that, I've got a lot of Rubies on Windows...

@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg *

I can rescue this error though

I'll see what I can find. Feel free to ask questions about that, I've got a lot of Rubies on Windows...

On both Windows & WSL2, I normally use Ruby trunk/master/head

@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI think I need to switch to Ruby master in WSL2 too, better for open source development.03:48:58

I'm doing something wrong, I can't get it to rescue in Puma, but a ten line script works. Tired.

One thing - test method is low_level_error, Server method is lowlevel_error

@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoCan you share some knowledge about compiling puma on windows, I've installed Ruby using RubyInstaller, and git.04:36:13
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao gem install puma works, but bundle exec rake compile fails 04:36:29
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg bundle exec rake -rdevkit compile, myself and Lars Kanis asked that it be added in mkmf for Windows, but no interest... 04:39:29
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg *

bundle exec rake -rdevkit compile, myself and Lars Kanis asked that it be added in mkmf for Windows, but no interest...

The scripts used for GitHub Actions add the MSYS2 path info, so it's not needed there, which makes script more portable...

@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoIt works, thanks.04:45:14

If you want a Ruby master build, I've got one that's built three times a day, see:

It's the mingw or ruby-mingw build in GitHub Actions...

@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregAFK for the night04:45:43
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiaohttps://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/11692#note-8 https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13164 07:46:35
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoIn this gist, try 1 works, then segfault in try 2 (same code), run try 3 separately will cause segfault as well. https://gist.github.com/calvinxiao/a7793c63524259cc87cebb392212394c 07:48:15
22 Apr 2021
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao Here is my latest performance discovery, I want to reduce getpeername and recvfrom syscalls in @io.peeraddr in every request. I think we don't need to reset the @peerip in reset 18:28:58
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiaohttps://github.com/puma/puma/blob/master/lib/puma/client.rb#L12918:29:12
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao The below codes will set the client.peerip or use the http header for remote ip 18:30:32
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao
client = Client.new io, @binder.env(sock)
if remote_addr_value
    client.peerip = remote_addr_value
elsif remote_addr_header
    client.remote_addr_header = remote_addr_header

So, if a socket connection is established, the client ip is not likely to be changed.


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