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22 Apr 2021
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao

Simple perf shows

➜  puma git:(get-socket-ip-only-once) ./benchmarks/wrk/hello.sh
Puma starting in single mode...
* Puma version: 5.2.2 (ruby 3.0.0-p0) ("Fettisdagsbulle")
*  Min threads: 4
*  Max threads: 4
*  Environment: development
*          PID: 4107
* Listening on
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:9292
  2 threads and 4 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     0.95ms    0.93ms   7.91ms   84.30%
    Req/Sec     2.63k   210.50     3.35k    69.00%
  Latency Distribution
     50%  766.00us
     75%    1.47ms
     90%    2.26ms
     99%    3.87ms
  156766 requests in 30.01s, 11.36MB read
Requests/sec:   5224.14
Transfer/sec:    387.73KB
- Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao Only when using tcp and :remote_address option is not :value or :header 18:36:05
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI might need to read some MPTCP stuffs, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multipath_TCP18:38:13
23 Apr 2021
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao We do need to reset @peerip it unless client.remote_addr_header is set 08:54:30
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao * We do need to reset @peerip it if client.remote_addr_header is set 08:54:48
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao * We do need to reset @peerip if client.remote_addr_header is set 08:54:58

So, if a socket connection is established, the client ip is not likely to be changed.

This happens a lot for cellular connections as they change cell towers

@nateberkopec:matrix.orgnateberkopec(that's my understanding anyway)13:02:06
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoIn this case, there will be a new connection.13:21:18
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg'a new connection' -> 'a new connection/socket/client'?13:30:16
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoYes, if client changes the IP, the old connection will be dead.13:34:33
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoSorry, will be closed.13:34:57
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI think a socket connection is identified with (local address, local port, server address, server port) tuple. 13:40:23
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao

I telnet to a server three times, it shows:

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin Xiao nateberkopec: All tests pass in my local dev, 2 masos job failed in my forked repo's github actions, then only 3 windows job failed in pull request checks, are they using different tests? 14:41:00
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoSome times pushing a new commit not relative to the broken test case will pass all the tests. Is it always like this for you guys?14:42:30
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregCurrent test suite is a PITA. Intermittent failures are common. Long term, I've been working on an update, mostly to the current Integrations tests. A main change is creating hundreds (or more) clients, in the hope that odd race/timing issues are more likely to appear with a higher qty of clients. Also, response errors almost never appear locally, but do appear on GitHub Actions (GHA). Any CI system has one or processes running 'above' the CI code, and that is both good and bad, compared to local testing...14:58:27
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoI see, thanks for explaining.15:03:24
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregHistory.md - currently, changes are grouped by 'bug', 'feature', and 'refactor'. Should 'performance' be added? People that actually read History.md will see what changes were made that could help them? And that the maintainers are actively looking at it...15:03:52
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg * Current test suite is a PITA. Intermittent failures are common. Long term, I've been working on an update, mostly to the current Integrations tests. A main change is creating hundreds (or more) clients, in the hope that odd race/timing issues are more likely to appear with a higher qty of clients. Also, response errors almost never appear locally, but do appear on GitHub Actions (GHA). Any CI system has one or more processes running 'above' the CI code, and that is both good and bad, compared to local testing...15:13:31
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregWith CI, sometimes parallel testing can cause issues. Generally, they're more intermittent than what we see with Puma CI. So, running CI again with the same seed value may be helpful. With that, it's helpful to know the GHA workflow syntax, so one can remove passing jobs.15:17:57
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoCan I rerun a test on GHA without a new commit?15:28:09
In reply to @msp-greg:matrix.org
History.md - currently, changes are grouped by 'bug', 'feature', and 'refactor'. Should 'performance' be added?

People that actually read History.md will see what changes were made that could help them? And that the maintainers are actively looking at it...
Sure, a perf header would be nice
In reply to @calvinxiao:matrix.org
Can I rerun a test on GHA without a new commit?
not without commit access, I think
@nateberkopec:matrix.orgnateberkopecI can hit "re-run" in the GHA UI but you can't15:29:17
@nateberkopec:matrix.orgnateberkopecI think Greg has his own fork of Puma on Github for this reason15:29:30
@nateberkopec:matrix.orgnateberkopecbecause he can hit "re-run" on his personal fork15:29:37
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-gregAny maintainer can re-run a workflow run in puma/puma. I have my own fork because I make typos (RuboCop), don't want to run tests in upstream when I'm just starting on things, etc. For instance, the new test framework hopefully will fix the intermittent issues. The only way to test that is to run it a lot... I'm using it less with WSL2/Ubuntu, since I have fork, UNIXSockets, etc locally.15:34:40
@msp-greg:matrix.orgmsp-greg Calvin Xiao: I wouldn't be concerned about failing CI. All the maintainers can check if the failures are related to the PR. But, it is a PITA. 15:35:56
@calvinxiao:matrix.orgCalvin XiaoGot it. 15:36:28

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