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24 May 2020
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40snopyta.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan left the room.16:34:05
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] left the room.16:51:32
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart slides 23:07:38
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartjust dropping a suggestion for a video here that might be interesting for the guix watch23:08:16
25 May 2020
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * just dropping some suggestions for videos here that might be interesting for the guix watch00:08:51
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart slides 00:09:09
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] joined the room.00:53:39
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40snopyta.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan joined the room.00:54:34
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] left the room.00:57:13
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] joined the room.00:57:44
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] left the room.01:02:15
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+] joined the room.01:04:09
@itcomesfromchina:matrix.orgitcomesfromchinaany suggestions for something FOSS if I need to write a training manual for new employees? I'm messing with manuskript but it seems more like something for writing novels01:16:28
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart itcomesfromchina: What sort of features are you envisioning this software having that would help with your task? e.g. Do you need to generate illustrations or graphs alongside instructional text? If so, do you want to be able to do everything integrated into one program? What do you think of using libreoffice, scribus, inkscape, org-mode, pandoc, and/or latex, for your task? 03:45:53
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltran itcomesfromchina: unless you have particular needs or preferences, I'd say LibreOffice Writer 04:10:31
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+]itcomesfromchina: I have never tried this, but texinfo could be better. You only have to write once and get output in different formats. https://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/04:32:22
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart gnu groff 05:39:16
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * groff 05:39:38
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart lout 05:40:46
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart scribble 05:43:27
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart skribilo 05:44:24
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+]jgarte: o/05:51:30
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+]how's your fsf internship going?05:51:46
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart raghavgururajan: I applied May 10th. I'm still waiting to hear back from them. 06:09:46
@_xmpp_raghavgururajan=40disroot.org:matrix.orgraghavgururajan[psi+]Oh yes, you mentioned it before. My bad.06:10:12
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartNo worries :)06:11:43
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart raghavgururajan: what Desktop Integrations are you looking to work on for guix? 06:13:06
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartbtw have you played around with this yet? https://framagit.org/tyreunom/guix-home-manager06:13:48

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