
neovim lua

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11 Jan 2024
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) And even if it was a thing, it's not worth the effort 08:44:34
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 😕 wym by that?
with packer you also could use config=...
and with both packer and lazy you don't have to use it
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) Yes, but packer enforces the use of a function as the config 08:54:52
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) Lazy accepts mostly anything 08:54:59
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) * Lazy accepts almost anything 08:55:19
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) Too much complexity 08:55:30
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 🤔 08:57:01
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iosegfault (core dumped) 🤷‍♂️ 09:02:49
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolpRedacted or Malformed Event11:22:13
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp How does dropbar.nvim manage to get clickable fields? 11:22:36
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp I thought click was only possible on status and win bars 11:22:51
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp https://github.com/Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim?tab=readme-ov-file 11:23:12
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 must be mousepos() 11:32:54
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 thats what i used for clickable buttons on the dashboard 11:33:02
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 but yee i think u already know that lmao 11:33:36
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp it seems that its not actually mouse pos but cursor pos 11:53:07
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp I guess i should use it with CursorMoved and check position ? 11:54:03
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 .vhyrro https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/26967 12:25:25
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397#6761 guy just created a luaCATS lpeg grammar 12:25:33
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro That's actually sick 12:30:44
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 arent u already doing something like that 13:10:57
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 for that venn thing i mean 13:11:08
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp not exactly , but sort of , just that the other thing is kind of dumb 13:12:01
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp * not exactly , but sort of , just that the other thing is kind of dumb (by design) 13:12:48
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 oh lmao 13:13:11
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 what im doingg in flirt is map to <MouseMove> and mousepos() ig 13:13:54
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 opos i mean <LeftDrag> and <LeftRelease> 13:14:24
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.ioGilfoyle#3900 oops i mean oops 13:14:31
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolpDownload 2024-01-11_15-13-38_win.mp413:15:04
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp i got something working but the cursor doesnt change 13:15:05

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