
neovim lua

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11 Jan 2024
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ i think we might need to set it explicity 13:15:39
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ set_cursor_pos or sme 13:15:45
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ * set_cursor_pos or some 13:15:48
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp nah , Release was the thing 13:15:50
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp i had it on LeftMouse 13:16:07
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp thanks 13:16:13
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp in the future i will need to restrict the movement , but later 13:16:38
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp i am working on a dropdown like menu for Brushes,Shapes,Lines etc 13:16:59
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp like paint 13:17:02
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp it's fun making a plugin 13:17:16
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ turning nvim into microsoft eh 13:17:20
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp Paint might be the best thing they made 13:17:49
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ great.... we need more cursed stuff 13:18:05
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp at first i expiremented with making a one line window with winline as a button 13:19:06
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp turns out it adds one more line to the window , so the window needs to be 2 rows at least 13:19:39
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ i was able to make one line window some time ago, was it changed recently? 13:20:19
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp one line window is fine 13:21:39
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp "one line" window + winbar is not fine 13:21:51
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ ah yeee is the "not enough room" error 13:22:08
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp PR time i guess 13:23:26
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp after exams* 13:23:31
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ i mean, isnt that the intended behaviour 13:24:01
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ wait whaaaa 13:24:10
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ bruh go study 13:24:14
@_discord_228532782719041538:t2bot.ioinfernolp does it have to be 13:24:44
@_discord_845674119391477820:t2bot.io_gilfoyle_ uh kinda yeah 13:25:06
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 .vhyrro https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/26962 17:22:16
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 told u lewis will eventually have annotated the whole codebase 17:22:35
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro I love to see this 17:35:00
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro Luacats is OG 17:35:15

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