
Image Booru

754 Members
Welcome to the Matrix version of an imageboard, also known as an image booru. This room is all about posting cute Safe For Work pictures of all kinds, but especially focused on geeky subjects like Anime, Manga, Comics, Furry, and Gaming. Join our Otaku Community Space at #otaku-community:matrix.org to see all our rooms! Rules and guidelines: 1. Be mature and respectful. Its fine to argue, but be civil about it. 2. Don't spam. 3. Keep the room SFW and appropriate for all ages. 4. Don't post or link anything illegal. For example we don't necessarily care how or where you get your media, but please don't link or promote pirate sources in our rooms. 5. Try to stay on topic for the room. Our community hub room #otaku:matrix.org is a good place to move off-topic conversations.92 Servers

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24 Apr 2024
@starseed:arcticfoxes.netDeepVVeeb joined the room.18:17:49
@adamjay6969:matrix.orgadamjay6969 left the room.22:19:41
25 Apr 2024
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:40:49
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org joined the room.03:48:29
@primordialqueef:matrix.org@primordialqueef:matrix.org left the room.03:48:51
@mmmbop70:matrix.orgmmmbop70 left the room.05:16:57
@gotcum3:matrix.orggotcum3 joined the room.07:28:29
@gotcum3:matrix.orggotcum3 left the room.07:39:22
@milac2:matrix.orgMilac Totarescju left the room.08:22:18
@terrierthefox:matrix.orgterrier (DMs & Invs open!) joined the room.09:00:52
@terrierthefox:matrix.orgterrier (DMs & Invs open!) changed their display name from terrierthefox to terrier (DMs & Invs open!).09:07:57
@terrierthefox:matrix.orgterrier (DMs & Invs open!) set a profile picture.09:08:03
@sector9russell69:matrix.orgsector9russell69 joined the room.10:50:41
@sector9russell69:matrix.orgsector9russell69 left the room.11:12:00
Download image.png
Download image.png
@moderationbot:matrix.orgModbot banned @hayzee:matrix.org@hayzee:matrix.org.14:16:35
@terrierthefox:matrix.orgterrier (DMs & Invs open!) left the room.16:35:21
@groklok:matrix.orggroklok left the room.22:04:48
@miaan:matrix.orgmolam joined the room.23:57:05
@miaan:matrix.orgmolam left the room.23:58:49
26 Apr 2024
@lion144:matrix.orglion144 left the room.02:29:01
Download 1000138946.webp
@babee1:matrix.orgbabee1 joined the room.14:11:56
@babee1:matrix.orgbabee1 left the room.14:12:15
@opalis91:matrix.org@opalis91:matrix.org joined the room.15:24:01
@opalis91:matrix.org@opalis91:matrix.org left the room.15:24:12
@star_enigma:matrix.orgStar Enigma changed their profile picture.16:57:57

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