
SchildiChat Android

775 Members
Discussion about SchildiChat for Android | FAQ: https://schildi.chat/android/faq/ | Bugs: https://github.com/SchildiChat/SchildiChat-android/issues | Translations: https://translate.schildi.chat/projects/schildichat/schildichat-android/218 Servers

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12 Apr 2024
@noopy3:matrix.orgheha joined the room.06:00:30
In reply to @regia:matrix.org
I find not very ergonomic the way Spaces are managed, I don't find the horizontal way really userfriendly... Why not to keep the little square at the bottom, like in the old Schildichat ?
I don't like the Element way, so I won't implement it. Old SchildiChat also has the bottom bar as labs feature, so it's already kind of "like old SchildiChat", just not what we had for free from Element
@daedric:aguiarvieira.ptRicardo Duarte
In reply to @regia:matrix.org
I find not very ergonomic the way Spaces are managed, I don't find the horizontal way really userfriendly... Why not to keep the little square at the bottom, like in the old Schildichat ?
Have you tried to slide across the screen to change current space ?
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb Anyway we can show a loading screen when I open the app so I know the list is outdated? Or some visual cue to let me know I am looking at a list which is half processed? Right now the first 2 minutes the chats are just jumping around and reordering until it finally finishes processing all the new information. lots of duplicate chats until the processing finishes for example.  14:52:25
In reply to @spiritcroc:spiritcroc.de
I don't like the Element way, so I won't implement it. Old SchildiChat also has the bottom bar as labs feature, so it's already kind of "like old SchildiChat", just not what we had for free from Element
I'm blown away that some people like the element way instead of the bottom bar. It's extra clicks! Surprised they call that the "new and improved UX 🤮" 
@physicsnerd:matrix.orgbatmanisuseless changed their display name from physicsnerd to batmanisuseless.17:53:58
@youphyun:matrix.orgYoup changed their display name from youp to Youp.19:50:30
@dyo:retro76.netDyo ⚡️ left the room.20:51:56
@phophi:matrix.orgChurr's llilbors-twn. joined the room.21:54:02
13 Apr 2024
@gyujuh:matrix.org@gyujuh:matrix.org joined the room.01:57:30
@a:the-apothecary.clubArgon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (Бублик edition) changed their display name from Arya⋮Lea 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ to Argon Radiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (Бублик edition).06:56:09
@trashcatt_:matrix.orgtrash changed their display name from trashcatt to trash.07:54:42
@p4uzud0:matrix.orgp4uzud0 joined the room.18:35:43
In reply to @computer0701:yatrix.org
I've SchildiChat (Version 1.6.12.sc77) and SchildiNext (Version 0.4.7.sc3) installed. In SchildiNext I logged in my account. Now it asks me for a 48-digit code to recover my chat history. I've looked around in SchildiChat but only saw a session key, which is only 44-digits. Where do I find this 48-digit code?
wherever you saved it
In reply to @computer0701:yatrix.org
I've SchildiChat (Version 1.6.12.sc77) and SchildiNext (Version 0.4.7.sc3) installed. In SchildiNext I logged in my account. Now it asks me for a 48-digit code to recover my chat history. I've looked around in SchildiChat but only saw a session key, which is only 44-digits. Where do I find this 48-digit code?
thats what your given when you setup secure backup
@gyujuh:matrix.org@gyujuh:matrix.org joined the room.23:01:57
@gyujuh:matrix.org@gyujuh:matrix.org left the room.23:02:06
14 Apr 2024
@noopy3:matrix.orgheha changed their display name from noopy3t to heha.01:12:35
@escolatpablo:matrix.orgPablo Escolat joined the room.11:04:08
@25inches:nitro.chat@25inches:nitro.chat Is it possible to pin messages? 11:08:14
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb What is the downside to leaving the "keep read marker" setting enabled? I'm not sure what it does but it seems like things work with it on and they don't work when it's off.  16:40:34
In reply to @niebloomj:matrix.frum.finance
What is the downside to leaving the "keep read marker" setting enabled? I'm not sure what it does but it seems like things work with it on and they don't work when it's off. 
If you haven't seen and paused scrolling at the unread line, it doesn't send read receipts or update unread counts, which it would otherwise, and due to some other bugs it may not even be possible for you to find the unread line. But you can work around that by manually marking chats as read. Also it only works when pressing back from a chat, with some extra bugs related to that.

The idea of the setting: if you have it off, do what EleX does (never update unread messages line, but update read receipts immediately). When on, always set the unread line to the same event like what read receipts and unread counts use, but only set everything once you actually saw the unread line.
@spiritcroc:spiritcroc.deSpiritCroc Assuming you talk about Next. Old is bug-free in that regard as far as I know 17:14:37
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb So the end goal is to remove the setting and fix buggy unread behavior?  17:45:30
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb Yes I'm using next. Even with it turned on though, I still have chats that I can't seem to mark as read.  17:45:50
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb Android 15 feature we might want to leveragehttps://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#key-mgmt-e2ee  18:00:35
@samuel:marvinfeiter.de@samuel:marvinfeiter.de left the room.18:01:43
In reply to @niebloomj:matrix.frum.finance
So the end goal is to remove the setting and fix buggy unread behavior? 
No, the setting will remain, since people may still prefer setting the unread marker line and read receipts. Just like it was for Old.
In reply to @niebloomj:matrix.frum.finance
Yes I'm using next. Even with it turned on though, I still have chats that I can't seem to mark as read. 
Of course, like I said, it has bugs. Some bugs are common with the setting disabled, some are different.

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