
Stickers and emojis

261 Members
Collection of rooms with sticker and emoji packs.107 Servers

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30 May 2024
@rg0:tchncs.de@rg0:tchncs.de left the room.23:10:37
1 Jun 2024
@aminda:pikaviestin.fiAminda.eu ⚧︎ (she/they) changed their display name from Aminda.eu ⚧ to Aminda.eu ⚧︎ (she/they).11:20:30
3 Jun 2024
@andreas_tille:matrix.orgAndreas Tille changed their profile picture.13:59:57
4 Jun 2024
@./luma:bark.lgbt./luma ΘΔ changed their display name from ./luma to ./luma ΘΔ.12:55:46
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them) changed their display name from MTRNord to MTRNord (they/them).22:30:53
5 Jun 2024
@polygon:catgirl.cloudpolygon system (it/she, no "you") changed their display name from polygon system (she/it/they) [DECT 7659] to polygon system (it/she/they).11:57:53
6 Jun 2024
@maxi.green:tchncs.demaxi changed their display name from Maxi to maxi.15:34:39
7 Jun 2024
@voidyote:bark.lgbtlunaposs changed their profile picture.22:07:02
8 Jun 2024
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it) changed their display name from jacksonchen666 (they/it/he) to jacksonchen666 (they/it).23:34:58
10 Jun 2024
@tuxakadjseb:mozilla.orgSéβαστιεν, wokiste végétal changed their profile picture.17:52:19
@tuxakadjseb:mozilla.orgSéβαστιεν, wokiste végétal changed their display name from Séβαστιεν to Séβαστιεν, wokiste végétal.17:54:21
11 Jun 2024
@titaniumtown:envs.net@titaniumtown:envs.net left the room.01:12:42
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.08:03:51
12 Jun 2024
@gonzukumu:matrix.org@gonzukumu:matrix.org changed their display name from inamruzui (mizu/malzu) 🏳‍⚧ to inamruzui (mizu/malzu) (nonhuman) (timekeeper) 🏳‍⚧.02:43:53
@caring-coder:matrix.orgCaring Coder joined the room.15:01:11
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away; back 14th].21:56:37
14 Jun 2024
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away; back 14th] to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}.11:03:13
17 Jun 2024
@alexandro:foilhat.tk@alexandro:foilhat.tk joined the room.10:00:18
@alexandro:foilhat.tk@alexandro:foilhat.tk left the room.10:05:30
18 Jun 2024
@asahi1984:catgirl.cloud@asahi1984:catgirl.cloud changed their profile picture.15:05:58
19 Jun 2024
@gimmechocolate:bark.lgbtUnawarewolf (gimmechocolate) changed their profile picture.22:46:21
20 Jun 2024
@gimmechocolate:bark.lgbtUnawarewolf (gimmechocolate) changed their profile picture.00:41:57
@syntheticdreams.:matrix.orgSyntheticDreams joined the room.18:58:50
@syntheticdreams.:matrix.orgSyntheticDreams changed their display name from syntheticdreams. to SyntheticDreams.19:00:31
@syntheticdreams.:matrix.orgSyntheticDreams set a profile picture.19:01:52
@syntheticdreams.:matrix.orgSyntheticDreams changed their profile picture.19:01:57
24 Jun 2024
@lumi:suwi.moelumi💜 changed their profile picture.00:54:53
25 Jun 2024
@merlinjstar:matrix.orgmerlinjstar changed their display name from merlinjstar to merlinjstar (Mostly Away).17:34:06
26 Jun 2024
@mooshieblobs:matrix.orgBlob joined the room.08:38:32
27 Jun 2024
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldir joined the room.02:10:27

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