
Good Nasty Vibes

294 Members
Be yourself. One main rule: No Hating on anything or anyone Just be fucking nice. THIS IS A SAFE SPACE💛😌16 Servers

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4 Jun 2024
@sh7wwjbwbs:matrix.org@sh7wwjbwbs:matrix.org joined the room.10:10:45
@sh7wwjbwbs:matrix.org@sh7wwjbwbs:matrix.org left the room.11:37:12
14 Jun 2024
@rafaelzingo:matrix.org@rafaelzingo:matrix.org left the room.20:01:44
16 Jun 2024
@kenne1334:matrix.org@kenne1334:matrix.org left the room.20:49:16
18 Jun 2024
@rsdt9rdqvx:matrix.org@rsdt9rdqvx:matrix.org changed their profile picture.20:11:37
22 Jun 2024
@dogtildeth6664ever:matrix.orgdogtildeth6664ever changed their profile picture.00:27:36
@dogtildeth6664ever:matrix.orgdogtildeth6664ever changed their profile picture.00:34:02
@iltador:matrix.org@iltador:matrix.org joined the room.04:01:23
@iltador:matrix.org@iltador:matrix.org left the room.04:06:52
23 Jun 2024
@kgnnj456fh:arcticfoxes.net@kgnnj456fh:arcticfoxes.net joined the room.01:09:01
@kgnnj456fh:arcticfoxes.net@kgnnj456fh:arcticfoxes.net left the room.04:03:24
5 Jul 2024
@dogtildeth6664ever:matrix.orgdogtildeth6664ever changed their profile picture.01:45:20
7 Jul 2024
@politanus69:matrix.org@politanus69:matrix.org left the room.23:26:05
10 Jul 2024
@rsdt9rdqvx:matrix.org@rsdt9rdqvx:matrix.org left the room.15:23:29
16 Jul 2024
@do80:matrix.org@do80:matrix.org left the room.20:11:13
17 Jul 2024
@greenbird3:matrix.orgGreen Birb changed their profile picture.00:27:08
21 Jul 2024
@sombrio_007:matrix.orglittle cute (Dm open)🇧🇷 changed their display name from little cute (Dm open) to little cute (Dm open)🇧🇷.03:00:20
@johniea:matrix.orgJohn changed their display name from john to John.20:47:35
22 Jul 2024
@huskers_19:matrix.orgFibersplicer changed their display name from Beierle Productions to Fibersplicer.20:50:23
@eudontknow:matrix.org@eudontknow:matrix.org left the room.21:26:53
23 Jul 2024
@purplemonkey768:matrix.orgpurplemonkey768 set a profile picture.22:48:25
24 Jul 2024
@hornyluvsyung:matrix.orgluvitall01 changed their display name from Jacob Wells to luvitall01.13:17:44
@gatze007:matrix.orgMr. Nice Guy (male, dm open) changed their display name from Gatze (male, dm open) to Mr. Nice Guy (male, dm open).20:55:47
25 Jul 2024
@rainbowboi61:matrix.orgrainbowboi61 (18, femboy, pedo, bottom) dm me your kiddy cocks~ pedomoms, femboys and trans kids are appreciated >,< changed their display name from rainbowboi61 (18, femboy, bottom) dm me your kiddy cocks~ pedomoms, femboys and trans kids are appreciated >,< to rainbowboi61 (18, femboy, pedo, bottom) dm me your kiddy cocks~ pedomoms, femboys and trans kids are appreciated >,<.03:21:44
@actiofun:matrix.org@actiofun:matrix.org joined the room.08:28:29
@actiofun:matrix.org@actiofun:matrix.org joined the room.08:40:31
@actiofun:matrix.org@actiofun:matrix.org left the room.08:40:53
26 Jul 2024
@hawktau:matrix.orghawktau joined the room.05:45:38
@hjyygtt:matrix.org@hjyygtt:matrix.org joined the room.05:56:12
@hjyygtt:matrix.org@hjyygtt:matrix.org left the room.14:36:02

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