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16 Aug 2024
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeThis file was fine for the tutorial but I am not sure how to modify it for myself. I have tried many different ways05:53:04
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifein the end I am sure that I need to make two funnels05:53:29
  1. must open the pihole admin page so
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI am thinking that I want to type in my browser https://machine-name.ts.net/admin and this will point to localhost:8280/admin 05:55:21
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI am sure that I would be able to do this from the terminal but how to do this in the json file is beyond my understanding05:55:52
  1. I must be able to add machine-name.ts.net to my phones private dns [which is dns over http] and that must link to localhost:53 on my pihole container since that is how dns works , I guess.
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlife set a profile picture.05:59:49
@hybridsarcasm:matrix.orgHybridSarcasmJust to be clear, this all works as desired if you’re on your home network and not on tailscale ?12:00:12
@nam3l33ss:matrix.org·☽•Nameless☆•777 · ± joined the room.15:36:14
@fr0stbytex:one.ems.hostFr0stbyteX left the room.20:48:36
17 Aug 2024
@nam3l33ss:matrix.org·☽•Nameless☆•777 · ± changed their profile picture.08:27:15
@squirrellydave:matrix.orgsquirrellydave left the room.12:25:02
In reply to @hybridsarcasm:matrix.org
Just to be clear, this all works as desired if you’re on your home network and not on tailscale ?
my pihole container works fine on my home network.
My other containers synology and nextcloud etc work fine too on my local network.
In reply to @hybridsarcasm:matrix.org
Just to be clear, this all works as desired if you’re on your home network and not on tailscale ?

my pihole container works fine on my home network.

My other containers synapse and nextcloud etc work fine too on my local network.

@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI have two other tailscale machines set up as funnels with other containers23:12:42
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifewhich work nicely23:12:47
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI installed tailscale differently on those, though23:13:07
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI physically shelled into the containers and manually apt installed tailscale and set it up internally 23:14:07
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeThis time that is not an option. In fact, I want to eventually switch my other containers to this docker/json funnel method 23:15:19
18 Aug 2024
@49xjbh8bbr:matrix.orgBigM joined the room.09:51:59
19 Aug 2024

well.... it would be nice to know a little more about this json file.
Why do I need to specify HTTPS: true if I have said the port is 443 at the beginning? Isn't it obvious that I would need https to be true ?

  "TCP": {
    "443": {
      "HTTPS": true
  "Web": {
    "mealie.auto-generated.ts.net:443": {
      "Handlers": {
        "/": {
          "Proxy": ""
  "AllowFunnel": {
    "mealie.auto-generated.ts.net:443": true

20 Aug 2024
@itsover:poa.stitsoverYou would think so, but 99% of configurations don't care about that. You need to explicitly define that it is HTTPS20:41:11
21 Aug 2024
@sheogorath:shivering-isles.comSheogorathPort listens and https configs are independent. You can have services listen over any protocol on port 443, some services do that to bypass firewalls. But if you don't specify a port when enabling HTTPS, a lot of software will fallback to the well known port for HTTPS 443. In other words: While 443 never implies HTTPS, HTTPS can imply 443 if no port is specified.01:26:36

i want to connect to my pihole admin page
with my tailscale funnel

I assume that means I need to make
https://machinename.ts.net equal to

Would this be correct ?

  "TCP": {
    "443": {
      "HTTPS": true
  "Web": {
    "machine-name.ts.net:443": {
      "Handlers": {
        "/": {
          "Proxy": ""
  "AllowFunnel": {
    "machine-name.ts.net:443": true


I'm curious about this in my docker compose file

      - TS_ROUTES=

should I write 24 there? can't I write like

  - TS_ROUTES= and allow all the ports to 100?
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifemy server is on does that matter?03:59:10
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeinstead of this "Proxy": "" should I write this ? "Proxy": "http://localhost:8280"04:00:51
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifewhy does my funnel say this04:07:29
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