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27 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org joined the room.16:23:14
29 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org left the room.23:10:00
30 Jul 2024
@f4ntt5:matrix.org@f4ntt5:matrix.org joined the room.16:48:15
@f4ntt5:matrix.org@f4ntt5:matrix.org left the room.16:49:20
@barrybridgens:matrix.orgbarrybridgens joined the room.20:47:36
@f4ntt5:matrix.org@f4ntt5:matrix.org joined the room.22:33:59
@monty333:matrix.orgMonty changed their display name from monty333 to Monty.23:37:21
31 Jul 2024
@f4ntt5:matrix.org@f4ntt5:matrix.org left the room.01:31:24
@juergen:archlinux.orgJürgen Hötzel joined the room.10:55:57
1 Aug 2024
@ghinkle:nope.chat@ghinkle:nope.chat joined the room.10:23:08
@carlieewpdks424wsf:matrix.org@carlieewpdks424wsf:matrix.org joined the room.18:20:38
@ghinkle:nope.chat@ghinkle:nope.chat left the room.10:23:54
@carlieewpdks424wsf:matrix.org@carlieewpdks424wsf:matrix.org left the room.18:20:59
3 Aug 2024
@lobobranco8:matrix.org@lobobranco8:matrix.org joined the room.07:43:58
4 Aug 2024
@dr_frankenstein:matrix.orgdr_frankenstein joined the room.21:03:24
@jdh313:matrix.orgjdh313 joined the room.21:21:10
6 Aug 2024
@likivik:kde.orglikivik joined the room.00:38:53
@morack19:matrix.orgmorack19https://github.com/rommapp/romm RomM (ROM Manager) allows you to scan, enrich, and browse your game collection with a clean and responsive interface. With support for multiple platforms, various naming schemes, and custom tags, RomM is a must-have for anyone who plays on emulators. Been using this for a good while just wanted to share.22:37:02
7 Aug 2024
@lobobranco8:matrix.org@lobobranco8:matrix.org left the room.09:36:50
9 Aug 2024
@mindlesstux:mindlesstux.commindlesstux left the room.20:38:27
11 Aug 2024
@mmm_6969:matrix.org@mmm_6969:matrix.org joined the room.00:03:48
@mmm_6969:matrix.org@mmm_6969:matrix.org left the room.00:04:09
16 Aug 2024
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlife joined the room.05:44:10
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeCan someone help me with the json file ? I am trying to follow along this tutorial to link my tailscale container to my pihole container and make it a public funnel. I am stuck at the json file. the pihole container is created and the tailscale funnel is spawned with docker-compose. the webadmin for pihole works fine at localhost:8280/admin I just need help with configuring the funnel correctly using the json file. 05:48:56
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeI want to do two things with this funnel05:49:11
  1. I want to be able to access the pihole using my tailscale machine name
  1. I want to be able to use the funnel as a dns over http so that I can use the pihole as a dns for my phones using private dns
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifeThis is the tutorial that I am following https://tailscale.com/blog/docker-tailscale-guide05:51:40
@boomerlife:matrix.orgboomerlifethis is the basic json file 05:51:56
  "TCP": {
    "443": {
      "HTTPS": true
  "Web": {
    "mealie.auto-generated.ts.net:443": {
      "Handlers": {
        "/": {
          "Proxy": ""
  "AllowFunnel": {
    "mealie.auto-generated.ts.net:443": true


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