
讨论抗议的组织形式和地点 Discussion on Protest Organization & Form & Venue

316 Members
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18 Feb 2023
@intel:plan9.rocks@intel:plan9.rocks removed their display name Intel.22:29:08
@intel:plan9.rocks@intel:plan9.rocks left the room.22:30:54
19 Feb 2023
@iammemyself:matrix.org清水日和 removed their profile picture.15:31:26
@iammemyself:matrix.org清水日和 set a profile picture.15:37:08
@seesea:matrix.org@seesea:matrix.org left the room.21:01:03
22 Feb 2023
@kim_kitsugari:matrix.im@kim_kitsugari:matrix.im left the room.13:01:20
24 Feb 2023
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org removed their profile picture.07:07:40
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org left the room.07:15:05
3 Mar 2023
@yanyang:matrix.org@yanyang:matrix.org changed their display name from 惊雷 to 赤焰.13:02:34
9 Mar 2023
@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today changed their profile picture.07:45:37
19 Mar 2023
@proxima_centaury:matrix.org@proxima_centaury:matrix.org left the room.17:42:33
21 Mar 2023
@yanyang:matrix.org@yanyang:matrix.org changed their display name from 赤焰 to 宇枫.02:55:26
1 Apr 2023
@playpie:matrix.im@playpie:matrix.im left the room.12:57:54
@whitechalk:envs.net@whitechalk:envs.net left the room.22:26:11
6 Apr 2023
@ephemera:tusooa.xyzephemera changed their profile picture.03:12:59
@ephemera:tusooa.xyzephemera changed their profile picture.03:16:18
@t8341:matrix.org@t8341:matrix.org changed their display name from 唐山大师兄 to bond.17:32:17
17 Apr 2023
@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today changed their profile picture.07:20:14
18 Apr 2023
@yanyang:matrix.org@yanyang:matrix.org changed their display name from 宇枫 to 无名.18:01:50
19 Apr 2023
@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today@endorphinmachine:blanksheet.today left the room.03:21:31
4 May 2023
@jennylee:c.freesky.im@jennylee:c.freesky.im set a profile picture.16:02:41
@jennylee:c.freesky.im@jennylee:c.freesky.im changed their profile picture.16:03:56
8 May 2023
@hyfc:matrix.org@hyfc:matrix.org left the room.09:28:06
24 May 2023
@roxyrocks:matrix.org@roxyrocks:matrix.org joined the room.08:05:29
@roxyrocks:matrix.org@roxyrocks:matrix.org joined the room.08:05:30
@roxyrocks:matrix.org@roxyrocks:matrix.org left the room.08:05:31
28 May 2023
@t8341:matrix.org@t8341:matrix.org left the room.20:37:58
31 May 2023
@blueeeee:mozilla.org@blueeeee:mozilla.org set a profile picture.08:09:29
3 Jun 2023
@yanyang:matrix.org@yanyang:matrix.org left the room.11:57:02
10 Jun 2023
@carefour:matrix.org沃尔玛 changed their display name from 第三共和国 to 沃尔玛.11:43:42

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