
Privacy Week Berlin

51 Members
#PWB21 | 15.-21.11.2021 | https://privacyweek.berlin | we organize the privacy awareness week in berlin11 Servers

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5 Nov 2021
@4223et:chat.ccc-p.org4223et joined the room.18:14:53
6 Nov 2021
@nures_731:matrix.org@nures_731:matrix.org joined the room.22:33:00
9 Nov 2021
@hlgr:tchncs.dehlgr joined the room.19:25:17
@n01:matrix.orgn01changed room power levels.19:26:03
12 Nov 2021
@matrix:j15k.comJ15k joined the room.14:35:32
15 Nov 2021
@miess:matrix.orgChristian Miess joined the room.08:37:10
@maximilian57:matrix.orgmaximilian57 joined the room.12:50:57
@n01:matrix.orgn01Der Opening Event der PWB21 startet ab 18 Uhr in unserem BBB-Raum - alle Infos und Links dazu finden sich hier: https://calendify.com/event/naJOP6E1g29 16:25:34
16 Nov 2021
@n01:matrix.orgn01Today 2:30 pm: Live talk with Dr Johnny Ryan (Irish Council for Civil Liberties) and Jan Schallaböck (iRightsinfo): „Behavioural Advertising – Fossil Fuel of the Internet“ https://calendify.com/event/e2bOyAGXOw112:41:50
@n01:matrix.orgn01Direct link (BigBlueButton): https://bbb.bits-und-bäume.de/b/mar-cnp-163-d5f12:41:56
17 Nov 2021
@n01:matrix.orgn01Heute ab 19 Uhr gibt es im Rahmen der PWB21 eine Online-Cryptoparty: https://calendify.com/event/98dgnRQkgv315:36:08
@n01:matrix.orgn01PWB21 Events-DoTag_cropped.png
Download PWB21 Events-DoTag_cropped.png
@n01:matrix.orgn01Donnerstag gibt es mehrere Events - alle Infos unter https://calendify.com/@PWB/PwbEvents15:38:36
18 Nov 2021
@n01:matrix.orgn01Jetzt geht's los: https://calendify.com/event/JB9MKWBEMrD17:09:05
21 Nov 2021
@n01:matrix.orgn01Wenn ihr mit uns noch ein wenig die PWB21 ausklingen lassen wollt - kommt vorbei! Direkt-Link zum Jitsi-Raum: https://meet.ffmuc.net/globalcbasecouch1 Oder über WorkAdventure (Ring 2 - Raum Socialize): https://wa.tabascoeye.de/_/global/rc3.c-base.org/map/main.json19:25:00
25 Nov 2021
@ka_ri:matrix.orgkari (DECT 5274) joined the room.18:06:32
28 Nov 2021
@moagee:matrix.org@moagee:matrix.org joined the room.03:55:58
10 Dec 2021
@maserati20:matrix.orgmaserati20 joined the room.20:56:07
16 Dec 2021
@impuls_:matrix.org@impuls_:matrix.org joined the room.04:12:01
@impuls_:matrix.org@impuls_:matrix.org left the room.04:12:50
22 Dec 2021
@moagee:matrix.org@moagee:matrix.org set a profile picture.00:32:58
29 Dec 2021
@nures_731:matrix.org@nures_731:matrix.org left the room.18:06:54
15 Jan 2022
@ounis:matrix.org@ounis:matrix.org joined the room.10:18:17
@ounis:matrix.org@ounis:matrix.org left the room.10:24:46
22 Jan 2022
@abit:matrix.cyber4edu.orgabit joined the room.19:26:55
26 Jan 2022
@flair.is.in.the.air:matrix.orgeva (flair) set their display name to eva (flair).21:53:04
29 Jan 2022
@mreinholz:matrix.orgMatthias Reinholz joined the room.08:59:15
13 Feb 2022
@rt33:matrix.org@rt33:matrix.org left the room.10:48:50
24 Feb 2022
@sufftier:matrix.org@sufftier:matrix.org joined the room.04:18:35
@sufftier:matrix.org@sufftier:matrix.org left the room.04:22:27

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