
Common Law Assembly

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8 May 2022
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.org kurious_krone_55: I'm on the G.C north side not many Australians here hay. 04:39:37
@getreal4ever:matrix.orgMary-Ann https://warrioratlaw.com/#about maxwell999: @kurious_krone_55 22:41:01
10 May 2022
In reply to @getreal4ever:matrix.org
https://warrioratlaw.com/#about maxwell999: @kurious_krone_55
Thank you that's a fantastic site Mary
@getreal4ever:matrix.orgMary-Ann You are wekcome😊 maxwell999: 20:12:05
@getreal4ever:matrix.orgMary-Ann* You are welcome😊 maxwell999: 20:12:26
@getreal4ever:matrix.orgMary-Ann* You are welcome😊 maxwell999: 20:12:50
19 May 2022
@lilgirll:matrix.org@lilgirll:matrix.org left the room.21:16:51
24 May 2022
In reply to @getreal4ever:matrix.org
You are welcome😊 maxwell999:
I looked into Shane he seems to be the real deal. My common law group we don't trust Mike Holt or that John Smith in the UK they are shifty as shit house rats So that guy Keven in Canada! Sworn to queen Lizardbreath! I'm a natural law man by naturem but common law will do because these sheep need governing nana'ed so to speak! we just have to change a few things to keep up with the times. no#1 kick the old geriatric off the chair of this country Terra Australis and crown thy Land as thy Queen and teach people Karma 1 simple thing that would make a massive difference hay love. Im going to post 3 videos here to real understand how fucked over we have been from birth certificate fraud to where Australia is actually located. It's a massive awakening Mary look out for them love.
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgMy good fellow Aussie you are about to learn all about your pagan enslavement so watch them in orderm bet you'll go over them all a few times! Big As Love Maxwell.01:21:05
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.org1> BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES https://youtu.be/8F7IjcOlIew :2> CORPORATE-BIRTH-CERTIFICATE https://youtu.be/ZKZFQEq4now :3> TREASURY-ISLAND What Includes Australia https://youtu.be/wR-a9hfLN0E 01:26:23
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgyou won't find your birth certificate at birth death and marriages anymore but the commonwealth bank no shit! we were sold to the Rothschild bankers you can get you B/C at the main court house. I have no last name anymore but I have my mothers and fathers parents name as use if needed. but I I identify as Maxwell Paul only. Learn to own our own country and thy self fuck them! 01:32:03
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgAnd I'm wondering how you all feel about Mr Alboeonhisknees rapping little children bloody rockspider pedo's, talk about pass the passel, we got robbed by the WHO and WEF satan clout ya juckie swob kill gates and demons!01:36:59
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgNiggers with a attitude were right fuck the police01:56:48
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgMIND CONTROL WEAPONS EXPOSED...02:59:08
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:04:36
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.orgthere's some food for thought see how it goes!03:06:35
6 Jun 2022
@maxwell999:matrix.org@maxwell999:matrix.org left the room.02:54:19
21 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.07:55:32
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.07:56:11
1 Aug 2022
@codenameloveone:matrix.orgcodenameloveone joined the room.05:47:13
10 Aug 2022
@le1039dxl12:matrix.org@le1039dxl12:matrix.org joined the room.05:21:39
@le1039dxl12:matrix.org@le1039dxl12:matrix.org left the room.11:09:59
21 Aug 2022
@nandre:matrix.orgnandrehttps://rumble.com/v1aq98k-exciting-mms-miracle-mineral-solution-is-a-powerful-treatment-for-many-dise.html Trial by Jury of peers under common law, is only lawful solutions. Also there is only one disease, and that is the state the body is in. Our time is here everyone! 00:39:17

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