
⛆Autistic Thoughts (and shower thoughts)

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17 Oct 2023
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i always regret breaking my shit afterwards, which is why i've tried to stop breaking stuff as much..23:51:09
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoYeah, I usually end up more angry as a result of my choices made while angry.23:51:36
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoEven if you punch the studs you can leave an imprint in the drywall.23:52:27
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI punched my door trim one time and snapped it somehow.23:52:46
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777the walls in this trailer are crap any way..23:53:36
20 Apr 2024
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I was just thinking "it's funny how Hitler is referred to by his last name" then thought "who else is even called by their first name?" and I thought of Caesar right away, who tried to oppose the jewish banking system and was assassinated, also thought of Kennedy and Mussolini  19:37:26
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo There's also Stalin. 19:37:43
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Who else is there? 19:38:07
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Lincoln  19:38:20
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I guess a lot of world leaders can be known by just their last name but Hitler more than anyone  19:39:30
21 Apr 2024
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i guess since they have unique family names like that it works..... but like if some dude was named jimbo smith then people probably wouldn't just call him smith because you wouldn't even know which smith they are talking about00:16:39
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I was thinking that too. 00:18:19
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I've never met anyone with the same last name as any of the presidents 00:19:25
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Carter is a pretty common last name though I think 00:19:54
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo All just a bunch of made up names lOl, like how Obama is Barry Seotoro 00:20:37
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777oh yeah00:21:06
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777he was a fake illegal president00:21:14
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo yes 00:21:27
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777did you watch that old video showing how is birth certificate is fake00:21:41
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo yes 00:21:49
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 * did you watch that old video showing how his birth certificate is fake00:21:49
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777kind of amazing that such a good video like that exists and then still no one knows about it really00:22:23
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777in a sane world it would be all over the news00:22:29
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Yeah in a sane world a lot of things would be more questioned 00:22:53
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo We are in a world that has been brainwashed and fluoridated over generations 00:23:15
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Critical thinking is non-existant in the majority of mankind now. 00:23:57
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah seems like it00:24:09
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I'm convinced that average people that I meet do not think beyond what they need to. 00:24:28
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo My generation has been trained to hardly think at all lmao 00:25:07
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah it's like........ when you are growing up you are thinking you are average intelligence, but as time goes on you realize that even though you feel "normal" to your self, you are actually intelligent compared to the average retard because the average retarded is retarded..00:25:41

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