
⛆Autistic Thoughts (and shower thoughts)

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21 Apr 2024
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Really ridiculous shit 00:44:15
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Not even smart how they try to cover themselves 00:44:32
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah pretty lame attempt00:44:45
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I'm telling you Illinois is insanely corrupt 00:44:59
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Ridiculous 00:45:02
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo My dad got sent to jail for 7 days over some other dumb shit 00:45:24
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i've never been arrested or in jail00:46:51
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Only was once overnight and another time for warrant I didn't know about. 01:00:25
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I was actually not informed of my court date  01:01:10
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo My dad had to pay $1,000 to bail me out and they only refunded us $900 01:01:25
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777what happens if bail isn't paid01:01:51
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Well they would've kept me until my court date 01:02:10
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777how long was that01:02:16
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I think it was like a month 01:02:31
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777bail money is supposed to get refunded eventually?01:02:46
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo It was for a court case that was cancelled. 01:02:54
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
bail money is supposed to get refunded eventually?
No only if it was wrongful arrest
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777ah okay01:03:10
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo I didn't even know I had a court case 01:03:19
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Then we drove over an hour to that court 3 times for them to tell us "it was already transferred to this other county" which the other county already told me at the jail on the day of 01:04:01
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo The courts around here seem totally broken 01:04:24
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo This whole state is practically anarchy 01:04:41
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777in my experience every thing in this country is incompetent like that........ it always seems like no one can do any thing properly01:04:53
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Yeah it is like that, but I swear this state is the absolute worst 01:05:16
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo J.B. Pritzker is the richest politician  01:05:28
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo
In reply to @miasama:nerdsin.space
J.B. Pritzker is the richest politician 
All of his money is from his dad who created overpriced crappy hotels
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo Hyatt 01:07:57

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