
⛆Autistic Thoughts (and shower thoughts)

25 Members
Post random weird and/or autistic thoughts you have during the day6 Servers

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25 Jul 2023
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)he cured himself of autism 14:24:52
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)i'm also glad that he only listens to pony friendly music14:25:12
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)no music that harms or is offensive to ponies14:25:18
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)autism-unfriendly14:26:05
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)fighting the good fight against autism14:26:09
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)autism is OVER14:26:11
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i bet his mom will be so happy his autism is finally over after i call and tell her..14:26:49
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)his mother is clearly a woketism autism worshipper14:27:05
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)(satanist)14:27:10
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)she'll call temple grandin to beat him 14:27:24
26 Jul 2023
@anel_lena2.0:nerdsin.spaceLenanever not an interesting day on riot04:04:00
@anel_lena2.0:nerdsin.spaceLenaunfortunately, pony-cross 777 was vaccinated as a toddler.04:04:48
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah probably..04:05:00
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@anel_lena2.0:nerdsin.spaceLenaok i hate this lady too... i'm on team ponycross04:07:09
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777eat your daily neon pink beef..04:08:38
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
eat your daily neon pink beef..
I thought you were dying you said?
@pink:nerdsin.space@pink:nerdsin.space Or was that a lie? 04:11:24
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777how much did i tell you..04:11:45
@pink:nerdsin.space@pink:nerdsin.space You all are so nasty on here… I can’t 04:11:58
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
how much did i tell you..
Not enough to make any sense
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777k great04:13:06
@pink:nerdsin.space@pink:nerdsin.spaceI already know, but if you gonna act like that, then what do I care04:16:47
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i don't know who you are or how much you know, but i don't expect you or any one to care about me..04:18:18
31 Aug 2023
@tanmay0b:matrix.org@tanmay0b:matrix.org changed their display name from tanmay0b to Polite_Wombat.09:57:45
@tanmay0b:matrix.org@tanmay0b:matrix.org set a profile picture.09:58:23
@tanmay0b:matrix.org@tanmay0b:matrix.org left the room.10:05:34
10 Sep 2023
@ambulare.:matrix.orgplsNo joined the room.13:37:19

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