
⛆Autistic Thoughts (and shower thoughts)

25 Members
Post random weird and/or autistic thoughts you have during the day6 Servers

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10 Sep 2023
@ambulare.:matrix.orgplsNo set a profile picture.13:56:55
3 Oct 2023
@kai-kun3:nerdsin.spacekai changed their display name from neighbor kai to kai.01:21:54
13 Oct 2023
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org joined the room.16:35:27
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgI'm back after months later to get my behavior straight! This is Jed McCastle (PONY-CROSS 777 again), and I'd apologize for the way I acted that time It made me very upset to hate Autistic people and Temple Grandin, because of the way my father mistreated me I can do normal things like my dad does. He knows Autism and I do love him, but he has to understand Jed isn't a YouTuber after 9 years because these anti-Autistic fools want me to have no subscribers and no friends. I hope anyone has seen this and got my messages on Element. If you want to check out my Internet Archive page, here's my link: https://archive.org/details/@pony-cross_777 And follow me on Gab without any brainwashing excuses to keep you all safe: https://gab.com/PONYCROSS777JedMcCastle Jesus Christ is Our Lord! ~ Jed16:41:20
@seven:nerdsin.spaceartisticautism (seven)i thought this was a making fun of someone copy pasta 💀22:11:13
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)don't let temple grandin catch you22:13:00
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777are autistic people even happy22:14:03
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)clearly he's happy, but only when temple grandin isn't going after him 22:15:01
@dell_employee:nerdsin.spaceDr. Dell (7days croissant)and the anti-autists (read: you)22:15:19
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777people like him definitely make me tend towards being more anti-autist..22:15:46
14 Oct 2023
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoOh yeah02:12:18
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoRedacted or Malformed Event02:12:59
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgHi guys, I don't mean to be very rude today, and I'm not Anti-Autistic anymore what made me had a very bad life.17:19:04
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgNo plans or interest on hurting Temple Grandin like I was before in January to give all the things I want the evidence with.17:19:59
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoExplain Temple Grandin17:32:58
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgTemple Grandin is the most well-known elderly woman with Autism I'd ever met, even when I had a father who was very selfish, but a respectful dad I have and I deal with it to me who knew Autism as he thinks, and YouTubers make annoying and very selfish excuses to make me have no subscribers or any friends. That's why it made me not have friends with Autism and hurt Temple Grandin which made me very sad and depressed online! Do you understand now why I feel like not a Grandin supporter in the very beginning? Please, don't pretend I'm lying!18:59:39
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgI know, you can say things you want that's pretends I'm lying to you, and I finally did the evidence I wanted to keep everyone safe, without making excuses!19:01:38
In reply to @jed_mccastle777:matrix.org
No plans or interest on hurting Temple Grandin like I was before in January to give all the things I want the evidence with.
Excuse me BOTT but what is it that you are saying?!? What do you want exactly? Your not entitled to anything and nobody owes you anything, why are you talking so entitled? Like if your autistic? That’s nobody’s fault?
@pink:nerdsin.space@pink:nerdsin.space left the room.21:47:57
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.orgFine, I don't want to misbehave like before after since I came back in peace. I'm leaving this group, because you're making a lot worse of your excuses to keep me safe! Bye!23:16:27
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org left the room.23:16:31
15 Oct 2023
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i literally don't understand any thing he says..01:20:51
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777 invited @jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org.16:20:43
@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org@jed_mccastle777:matrix.org rejected invite.16:28:49
17 Oct 2023
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
are autistic people even happy
As an autistic person who's been to a special school I think most of us are never genuinely happy
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoLow functioning autists I think are happy.14:49:41
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoBut how can you tell?14:49:49
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoCould just be pain and suffering that looks like happiness lol14:50:09
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777you aren't autistic16:39:19

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