
⛆Autistic Thoughts (and shower thoughts)

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17 Oct 2023
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaI was diagnosed with Aspergers's which is part of the autism spectrum17:40:53
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaUsed to be considered it's own disorder though.17:41:07
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777okay what ever you want to believe..... oh by the way i have assburgers too or what ever, but it is still different from the autistic people like carl and pony dude we find on here.. like i can drive a car and make game prototypes and operate businesses and have actual logical conversations and stuff..19:02:43
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777wait that might have sounded bad..... i'm sure you have some thing probably, and me too.... but to me it feels like it is more towards the realm of "ADHD" which i'm not even sure exists..19:03:53
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777it's all a spectrum so labelling or not labelling some one gets confusing..19:04:12
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777but i believe there is a portion of "not being normal" that is just mainly the person's weird personality, you know?..... like "hey, you aren't instantly conforming to our society where you should sit down and study books in school so you must have a problem like ADHD etc"...... but i think some times people just have the type of personality that wants to play around and it doesn't mean they aren't smart, it might mean they are bored with school and hate that type of learning.. i made horrible grades in school and was put in to special ed classes and rode the short retard bus to/from school that had the seat belts, and there was some fucking actual retards on that bus.. but how retarded did i really turn out?...... i just hated school and hated boringass paper work and shit......... by the time i was in like 7th grade i was STILL being put in to retard classes, and in math class when the teacher said "okay start your work" all of the people would literally scoot their desk around mine and just copy off of my work..... and the teacher lady said "okay it's okay if FF is helping you guys but you better not be copying off of him"...... it was the simplest math shit possible....... it was because i wasn't meant to be in a retard class like that..19:08:02
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoAsperger's is hardly a disorder, many successful people supposedly had Asperger's. i also dealt with 5 years of schooling that was basically 3rd grade shit, I only ended up in special ed because I couldn't control my anger.23:29:14
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmo* Asperger's is hardly a disorder, many successful people supposedly had Asperger's. I also dealt with 5 years of schooling that was basically 3rd grade shit, I only ended up in special ed because I couldn't control my anger.23:29:23
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI would sleep all day and do all the work that I already knew the answers to in the last period.23:31:33
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI've always thought a lot of the mental disorder classifications are just weaponized nowadays.23:33:01
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI supposedly have "oppositional defiance disorder", they'll diagnose that to anyone with free thought.23:34:42
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoWow I posted that on the other acc23:34:57
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777lol wtf is oppositional defiance disorder....... and yeah they weaponize any thing and get you to take (((medication)))) that fucks you up even more..23:40:14
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI know.23:42:10
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI am fucked up from meds23:42:20
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777besides the riddlin (sp?) that my mom forced me to take for a few months, i've never taken any pills or medicine besides supplements like multivitamin and fish oil and vitamins...... well and ibuprofen when i had toothaches but i don't even take that any more......... one of the most recent redpills bestowing its self to society is that the whole big pharma is rigged and corrupt as hell, including the childhood vaccine schedule, and it is all just made to keep you sick and having to pay them tons of money to keep being "helped" endlessly........ so i told my self i would never take any medicine........ blood pressure or acid reflux pills or allergy pills or antidepression or just any thing..23:43:38
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i think food should be your main "medicine"....... eat healthy and it can do tons for you..23:44:44
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoAfter being on various meds from age 10-15 I don't feel like my life is worth living23:45:22
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI will never have the same life I was supposed to.23:45:33
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777and i had anger problems too (i still do a little bit)........ i would lose it and start destroying every thing.. i really hated losing video games when i was small..23:45:42
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI still punch holes in my walls sometimes...23:46:31
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777my life is beyond repair right now, especially after my stroke in 2020 that caused severe brain damage....... but i've already lived quite a long time though, so i can't really say my life got cut short really..23:46:51
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoOr break things that are of no value.23:46:53
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI used to break everything though23:47:05
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI broke a big flatscreen TV when I was young from wii sports.23:47:22
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah i have lots of punched holes in the walls here in this trailer..23:47:22
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i broke 4 different special edition pro-controllers just from trying to play fucking breath of wild game...... i hate that game..23:47:57
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI tend to go for the studs so I don't break the wall, and I also hurt my hand when I do that which kind of disencourages me to punch more shit.23:48:41
@miasama:nerdsin.spacem asmoI am angry a lot of the time.23:49:15
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i have no idea where the studs are in here...... but i've been trying to stop getting angry because it can be expensive.. i've decided it is okay to get angry at other people (if they deserve it), but you shouldn't get angry and break your own stuff though.. special edition pro-controllers aren't cheap to replace...... and it is also the reason i haven't had running water for like 2 years (i broke the shitty plastic pipes)..23:50:32

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