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20 Jun 2024
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol Have you ever seen when a when a fish has been taken out of the water? 19:31:12
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol The fish goes through 3 stages, 19:31:24
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol the first is when you see the fish quivering and shaking as it tried to gasp some air, then after awhile the fish has no more energy to shake, and, so all it does is it tries to breathe vahuh then if you take the fish and then throw it back in the water then it'll be able to still live and breath. 19:31:58
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol But then there is the third stage. When all you see is the fish slowly moving it's lips, closing the mouth up and down, at that point if you took the fish and you threw it back in the water it would still die, because of the lack of oxygen, the fish has now experienced total organ failure it will die anyway. 19:32:29
@_discord_1198424547590930443:t2bot.ioatarenic YA ALI 19:32:45
@_discord_1198424547590930443:t2bot.ioatarenic 19:32:45
@_discord_974297735559806986:t2bot.ioFioriktos pasif femboyum benim dikkatimi çekmeye çalışacaksın ama prim yok 19:33:13
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol already are 19:33:29
@_discord_974297735559806986:t2bot.ioFioriktos you’re good on turkey's current economic centres 19:34:02
@_discord_974297735559806986:t2bot.ioFioriktos come awesome 19:35:42
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol do you like children 19:35:42
@_discord_1140084040947470360:t2bot.iooddstanius gtfo 19:35:47
@_discord_1167770744634212425:t2bot.iokalashinkovs’s master What is that pfp 19:35:53
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol literally me is what it is 19:36:25
@_discord_1167770744634212425:t2bot.iokalashinkovs’s master You’re black? 19:36:33
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol indeed 19:36:43
@_discord_974297735559806986:t2bot.ioFioriktos 💔 19:37:25
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol boshaldim 19:37:40
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol boshal hq 19:37:48
@_discord_636616109574848543:t2bot.ioblast https://tenor.com/view/le-me-touch-your-butt-wave-gif-12801713 19:41:25
@_discord_636616109574848543:t2bot.ioblast https://tenor.com/view/protoomen-gif-9659178 19:43:44
@_discord_1140084040947470360:t2bot.iooddstanius https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1241135049038889041/1253436127122161685/IMG_2573.MP4?ex=6675d8dc&is=6674875c&hm=6eab94973f09ac2c5c6b32e03c6c9285931bd618b1ef610e2a4264b958fae9e5& 19:47:53
@_discord_728036062143709195:t2bot.iowilliamthe2.0 ☀ Do you worship your owner 19:48:25
@_discord_728036062143709195:t2bot.iowilliamthe2.0 ☀ What would you do if you saw a Sunni person 19:49:24
@_discord_1239694598268518424:t2bot.iofremder04 Who is controlling this bot 19:50:22
@_discord_1239694598268518424:t2bot.iofremder04 19:50:22
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol would you thug the sunni down 19:50:26
@_discord_1239694598268518424:t2bot.iofremder04 What 19:51:20
@_discord_880578592742998046:t2bot.ioragiol would you thug down a salafi 19:51:24
@_discord_728036062143709195:t2bot.iowilliamthe2.0 ☀ Thoughts on apostates? 19:51:33

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