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15 Dec 2018
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić) changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "invited".14:51:58
17 Dec 2018
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)I've published an intent document regarding development of a format to host our knowledge corpus, and I invite all critique and contributors https://github.com/marxo/FEDF15:58:16
6 Feb 2019
@vr.djordje:matrix.orgvr.djordje joined the room.09:10:29
17 Mar 2019
@nikdale:matrix.org@nikdale:matrix.org left the room.15:41:56
25 Aug 2019
@faabler:matrix.org@faabler:matrix.org joined the room.12:50:28
@faabler:matrix.org@faabler:matrix.org left the room.12:50:38
16 Sep 2019
@vladio:matrix.org@vladio:matrix.org removed their display name Vladimir Jovanović.12:18:10
@vladio:matrix.org@vladio:matrix.org 12:23:03
17 Sep 2019
@pbeocanin:matrix.orgpbeocanin joined the room.22:14:48
20 Sep 2019
@vladio:matrix.org@vladio:matrix.org set their display name to Владимир Јовановић.21:19:04
27 Nov 2019
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org joined the room.02:09:43
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgHey what up. Super cool to see some activity in this side of things.02:10:35
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgDiscover this in ballcon02:12:17
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgIs there anything I can do to help this project? Maybe translationts etc.02:37:11
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgIs zamphir built as a desentralized protocol, so diferent implementations can interact with each other. If not that would be a good ideia to implement.02:52:41
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić) Hey ASKVAST, hope you had a good time at BalCCon. I'm working on the manifesto, but along with that on some contribution guidelines soon. Most of the testing of the model is now done online through the Pionir programme (https://pionir.zamphyr.com), and that should yield some results by spring. Decentralization will be fundamental for free school instances, so anyone should be able to instantiate a free school based on the model, and to share the common infrastructure. 19:09:47
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgAmazing work. Congratulations if you ever need help with trivial work like translation documentation. Speak portuguese, spanish and greek. You love help with every thing i can on this project. I wish i was there i watched your talk on the internet.23:49:07
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgOr maybe later maybe in 2020 once my programing skills are more solid. Cheers Alexis.23:49:53
1 Dec 2019
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@room of course knowledge should be free. But physical schools have cost to run. And It should be free so people without the posability of paying can be part of it. My proposed question for this room is how to go about to fund a ethical shcool system. I have 3 proposals. 1111 - Make corporations pay for it because theye using the knowlegde that comes out but maybe they will use that funding to coroupt the structure of the institution. 2222 - Make it free for people that cannot pay for it while04:39:58
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgAsking more whealthy people to pay for it. But to make that. System work you need to colect that data breaching the privacy of your citizens. 3333 - make the gvornment suport it. But that is a pretty centralized system make it a single point of coruption. In yyour opinion how could you go about creat a desentralized funding for a physical institution. Would love to hear more ideias and also by putting my question in writing it helps me to reach an answer more easily.04:44:59
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org MY PROPOSAL: (if you hhave any critics possible failures of this system, please let me know I will really apreciate your feedback)
Create a university realesed currency where companies can buy inovations with that currency. And make tuition an open dontion so people that a able can pay and want for theyre education.
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.04:54:28
@jeroen:im.leptonics.comJeroen joined the room.10:06:54
9 Dec 2019
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)My presentation on Building free education from BalCCon 2k19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAcf4YXGgC813:03:16
16 Dec 2019
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgwould be could to build piazza like client on top of matrix as a complement to zamphir for solving the social issue, presented on your presentation.07:31:43
10 Jan 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgWould like to contribute some translations of the website could somebody provide the strings in english could only find servian.09:29:50
15 Jan 2020
@mobidi:matrix.orgmobidi joined the room.18:03:06

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