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21 Jan 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org Марко Кажић: 19:57:02
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić) ASKVAST: Which site are you referring to? Current site (zamphyr.com) is a placeholder, it would be pointless to translate it, but the new site (currently under development) will be translatable, and help would be appreciated, I can ping here when that's ready 19:59:02
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgsounds good, once that is on, would be maybe a good idea to enable the rss bot in this room from the feeds of the zamphyr blog, no? 20:03:33
22 Jan 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgMaybe there is something usefull from edx repositories that this project could use.02:18:49
24 Jan 2020
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)There's going to be a talk about Zamphyr at the uHackFest00 in hackerspace.gr in Athens, on Tuesday. This is very special for me, since this is the first time someone aside from me will give a talk about Zamphyr. It's completely unexpected and welcome, and if anyone knows who this person is, let them know they are getting a hug 😁12:41:26
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)More info: https://www.hackerspace.gr/wiki/%CE%9CHackFest0012:41:42
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgits me14:59:16
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)Awesome! I am hoping to join you if time allows.15:00:17
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgno worrieses is my pleasure, since a very young age been very interested in solving issues of education system. And I believe this project is going in thhe right direction to solve them, so I feal is my duty to make it known to other people15:01:14
In reply to @marxo:matrix.org
Awesome! I am hoping to join you if time allows.
Yaeh shore that would be nice. This is justa smal introduction is a small hackparty before fosdem starts. and talks are going to be between 15/20 minutes
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgBut would love to have you arround. There are many debian developers in this hackerspace, most freesoftwre comunity of greece is part of this hackerspace, being one of the most active spaces I have been. So maybe would be smart to came . You might go back home with some contributors on the project.15:08:00
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.organif you come you can defenately join me to do the presentation toghether. I was think on getting a hold of you to ssee your opinion on the slides I will finish and presentaion but once they are ready will let you know. Cheers Alexis.15:12:09
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)I'm really glad you have faith in the project and that you'll spread the word. Feel free to ping me and I'll try to help as much as I can. Aside from that if I manage to get to Athens by Tuesday, I'm there 😁15:19:33
26 Jan 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgHey mαρκο I am finnaly starting to do my presentation suport document and I will speak a bit of the problems with current systems of education, and them propuse zamphyr as a solution and for this Im basing it on your balccon talk do you have other videos in english. that I can use as a resource? Cheers, Alexis.14:36:41
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org Марко Кажић: 14:37:48
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić) ASKVAST: There's a presentation from OpenFest Sofia which is similar that could help communicate the idea now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe-ghJIXJIc 14:39:11
@marxo:matrix.orgМарко Кажић (Marko Kažić)I know that the resources for this are fairly limited for now, my work has mostly been local and a lot of it is still trapped in my mind. I'm working on a manifesto, and plan to release a definition and a few more documents that will frame the free education idea better. More on that soon.14:40:45
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgCool, no worries this more than enough. I wanted to ask because you are the best person to being the main energizer in zamphyr. I taking cs50 from harvardx on edx so probably after one or to months will be able to contribute and help a bit more, maybe translating manifesto etc.14:47:30
30 Jan 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:19:11
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:27:10
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgMy presentation on zamphyr. Im sharing here so it can be used as a resource. Consider that this was just a intorductury presentationof just 15 min duration.21:27:16
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.orgDownload ZAMPHYRpres.zip21:38:14
2 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ASKVAST to <freedomVAST>.13:56:55
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from <freedomVAST> to <VASTfreedom>.14:03:22
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org Марко Кажић: what did you though of the presentation, any feedback? 19:49:24
4 Feb 2020
@Voitena:matrix.orgVoitena joined the room.01:20:42
7 Feb 2020
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from <VASTfreedom> to ׀<VASTfreedom>׀.10:32:00
@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org@alexissampaiokokorelis:matrix.org changed their display name from ׀<VASTfreedom>׀ to ׀VASTfreedom>.18:33:04

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