
/gd/ - Graphic Design

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17 Feb 2023
@justinestrada:matrix.orgjustinestrada joined the room.04:15:42
21 Feb 2023
@zorsmi:matrix.org@zorsmi:matrix.org joined the room.15:16:08
23 Mar 2023
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0mantic joined the room.18:48:10
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticHello. It’s quiet in here…18:49:23
@findut:matrix.orgfindutYes, it's quite...but somebody could begin an interesting discussion...so...is a question of time!19:03:30
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticIt could be us…19:33:44
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0mantic…are most people here graphic designers?19:34:28
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticI’m a freelance graphic designer in the UK. Curious what everyone else is up to…19:35:08
@nefermiw:grin.hu@nefermiw:grin.huI'm interested in graphic design, but I'm a software tester so this is not my job, it's one of my hobbies. I'm learning how to draw an paper and on ipad as well, mostly I wanted to learn logo designing for fun, but now I'm unsure, I'm interested in a lot of things within graphic design19:39:36
@nefermiw:grin.hu@nefermiw:grin.huI wanted to see what this topic is about and then I left myself here accidentally19:40:06
@gnu1dea:matrix.orggnu1dea👋 I'm a Swiss graphic designer with an interest in art and free software.19:59:02
24 Mar 2023

I was led to the career by my childhood love of computers and art. When I found out there was a job doing art on computers I was immediately sold!

I’m also trying to quit Adobe. Enjoying some of the alternatives. I’ll be upgrading my laptop this year and hope to be able to not install Adobe on it for as long as possible. Or maybe ever.

@telegram_238010207:t2bot.ioوЮ○三 🐙🍴\(୭₂̑◦ꨄ◦₂̑୧) changed their profile picture.13:48:38
10 Apr 2023
@r3y:matrix.org@r3y:matrix.org joined the room.07:07:36
@r3y:matrix.org@r3y:matrix.org left the room.08:19:39
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.09:26:56
6 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.08:11:20
@/thisusernameistaken:matrix.orgValve joined the room.18:26:56
In reply to @nefermiw:grin.hu
I wanted to see what this topic is about and then I left myself here accidentally
Keep exploring, you'll find it.
7 May 2023
In reply to @retr0mantic:matrix.org

I was led to the career by my childhood love of computers and art. When I found out there was a job doing art on computers I was immediately sold!

I’m also trying to quit Adobe. Enjoying some of the alternatives. I’ll be upgrading my laptop this year and hope to be able to not install Adobe on it for as long as possible. Or maybe ever.

Why quitting adobe?
In reply to @/thisusernameistaken:matrix.org
Keep exploring, you'll find it.
thank you, I'm trying different techniques
13 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.14:33:14
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:56:20
26 May 2023
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticI’m trying to quit Adobe because I don’t like being locked into paying the subscription, and because I’m always on the side of the underdog! Other people are innovating more and deserve my custom.13:27:28
@nefermiw:grin.hu@nefermiw:grin.huare you using it for your job? or like me, this is kind of a hobby for you by any chance?13:36:41
@findut:matrix.orgfindutI use Adobe for work and the free alternatives for personal projects (Inkscape and Blender above all) and unfortunately I have to say that there's still an abyss. The only software that has nothing to envy to paid analog, in my opinion, is Blender.13:56:38
@nefermiw:grin.hu@nefermiw:grin.huah I see, Blender is something that I've never tried, but I can imagine it's hard to find an alternative to Adobe14:01:21
27 May 2023
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticI’m freelance so I’m trying to do it for my work, yes.06:47:38
@retr0mantic:matrix.orgRetr0manticI’ve started a collection of links in case anyone finds it useful or wants to suggest more: https://raindrop.io/Retr0mantic/quit-adobe-3452307106:49:13

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